Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Martine Valeix

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Gedenkplaats geopend door:

Yvonne Hoddenbach


Cunera Burrei-Vlaar
Dear Martine,

I am very sad to hear you have lost this fight. I appreciated our relationship. You were a sincere and driven person and your energy for your work but also in your private life I found remarkable. It was a pleasure to hear you speak with so much passion about your house in the south of France. It is a shame you had so little time to enjoy it.
My thoughts are with your family. You will be missed.

Cunera - Benningbroek
10 september 2013
condoleance 58  |  
Dominique Grepinet
En souvenir de l'expérience la plus marquante de ma vie professionnelle, car j'ai eu le privilège de travailler sous ta direction au Myanmar, traversant deux crises majeures que tu as su gérées avec une maitrise et une sérénité remarquables. Que de souvenirs, n'est-ce pas Monsieur l'ambassadeur...!
Tu resteras toujours un exemple pour nous tous
Dominique - Pau
10 september 2013
condoleance 57  |  
Jan hinrichs, managing director AdviSafe Risk Mana
Met verdriet hebben wij kennis genomen van het overlijden van mevrouw Valeix. Onze gedachten gaan uit naar de familie van mevrouw Valeix. Wij wensen hen allen veel sterkte toe in deze moeilijke dagen.

Personeel en directie van Advisafe Risk Management
Jan - Den Helder, Holland
10 september 2013
condoleance 56  |  
Alex Goeree
It's always a pity to lose a colleague and someone who ment so much to a company! But in first line it is a loss for the family and relatives and wish them all the best and strength to overcome this loss and to remember Martine like she was.....
Alex - Kaltenbach
10 september 2013
condoleance 55  |  
Lindsay Tocher
All of us at Sodexo were very sorry to hear of the recent very sad loss of Martine .
In working with her she was very capable, very honest and a person of real integrity - I also evry much enjoyed her competativness on the golf course !
I'm sure she will be missed by many people
Lindsay - Aberdeen - UK
10 september 2013
condoleance 54  |  
Gerard Tolman
Cher Martine,
I will remember you with a deep respect for your continuous drive and energy.
I enjoyd working with you. And although we had sometimes different opinions, we had good times and big laughs.
My sincere condolences to Martine's family, friends and colleagues.
Rest in peace
Gerard - Neuilly sur Seine
10 september 2013
condoleance 53  |  
Pierre Ménat
Profondément bouleversé par le décès de Martine Valleix, je souhaiterais exprimer à tous ses proches mes plus sincères condoléances. Je partage leur douleur et rends hommage au courage de Martine Valleix ainsi qu'à sa remarquable action dans ses fonctions aux Pays-Bas.

Pierre Ménat
Ambassadeur de France aux Pays-Bas.
Pierre - La Haye
10 september 2013
condoleance 52  |  
Erik Steenken
The Management of Tulip Oil deeply regrets the early passing away of Martine, whom we have known as a professional and pleasant person. We wish the next of kin all the strength they need in a future without Martine.
On behalf of Tulip Oil Holding,
Erik Steenken, CEO.
Erik - Den Haag
10 september 2013
condoleance 51  |  
Peter Coy
We are truly saddened to learn of Martine's passing away last Saturday and The Directors and staff of OEG Offshore Group send our sincere condoloncies to her family at this difficult period.
Peter - OEG Offshore UK Ltd
10 september 2013
condoleance 50  |  
Mijn condoleances bij het overlijden van mevrouw Martine Valeix, Algemeen directeur van Total EP Nederland BV.
Ik wens de familie van mevrouw Valeix, veel sterkte toe.
P.Kwast - Harlingen
10 september 2013
condoleance 49  |  

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