Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Silvia Anthonj

Graduated from the school of life with honours!

Following the motto of Pippi Longstocking, "I've never done this before, so I think I can do it" as Silvia Anthonj has done with all adventures in her life.

Silvia left her body on 21.07.2023 without fear, to start her journey through the endless universe. Her cremation will take place in private setting.

We, Caj, Finn & Willem and all who love Silvia dearly, would like to commemorate her rich, fulfilled and sparkling life together.

On Saturday, 05.08.2023, we will gather on our farm – Bronsweg 50, 8222 RB Lelystad – in Silvia’s spirit. You’re welcome between 15:00 and 20:00. Feel free to arrive and leave at your own convenience and to stay as long or as short as you like.

There will be no ceremony, just sharing memories, being connected, enjoying some bubbles, good food and celebrating love & friendship.

Please don’t bring flowers. Instead, we have arranged a memorial room in the farmhouse for your personal goodbye, where you are welcome to leave behind something personal if you wish; a photo, a poem, a letter or any object that reminds you of Silvia. She has prepared a little something for you to take home as a remembrance.

Please let us know before August 1st if you will join us, so we can anticipate the number of guests. Please register via w.f.kips@planet.nl

If you are not able to come, please don’t be sad. We shall be connected in our hearts! There is also the possibility to share your memories, wishes and pictures in this online memorial book.

With kind regards, Caj, Finn & Willem

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  • Een rots in de branding
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    Een rots, een kei, een steen. Dat moet het zijn. Hoe we het gaan maken? Geen idee, we vinden wel een weg. Ik ga er voor! Voor de volle 100%.
    Wat fijn om dit samen met jou gedaan te hebben. Dat heb je toch mooi geflikt!

    Donna - Nevşehir
    23 juli 2023

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