Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Ruud Rossel

      Don't waste your time
      or time will waste you

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      • Veel te vroeg !
        reactie 36   |   niet OK
        Heel veel sterkte met het verlies van Ruud !
        Blijf bij elkaar in deze moeilijke periode.
        Mark Moen

        Mark - Den Haag
        4 mei 2022

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      • RIP Ruud #ATruelegend
        reactie 35   |   niet OK
        Dear Ruud,

        It's shocking and disheartening to see you leave us so soon. You were personal to everyone and the most fun loving guy I have ever met. I will miss your humor and smile. May your family get the strength during this touch time.
        RIP my friend with the angels - Om Shanti.
        Cheers Abhai

        Abhai - United Kingdom
        4 mei 2022

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      • Great times!
        reactie 34   |   niet OK


        We had some great times together on our travels and also some pretty tough times on challenging projects, but you were always a pleasure to work with and someone from whom I learnt a lot!! You were a true gentleman and took time for everyone within the team, especially if it involved a strong coffee or a cold beer.

        I will treasure the fond memories of our experiences in Rio and Winston Salem….

        The world needs more people like you, Ruud.


        Marcus - London
        4 mei 2022

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      • reactie 33

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Kevin - UK

        3 mei 2022

      • A new STAR in the SKY is shining BRIGHT
        reactie 32   |   niet OK
        Dear Ruud . When I think of you all I can see and feel is hard work, long hours, great insights, willingness to help and share your knowledge (KT!), but also fun, drinks, laughter and many jokes. More importantly, I like you because you like my home city so much and you even got your own private room in one of Rio's hotels with the most beautiful view.
        You made your mark and we'll never forget you, Ruud!
        To all of us and especially to your family and loved ones, we cannot forget that you are not physically here with us anymore but this does not mean we cannot continue to be connected at a spiritual and energetic level. Everything in this world is energy. The bond that those who love you created with you remains intact, it just needs a different way to connect with you, but the intensity does not change. Some people finds the connetion by looking into the bright light of the stars in the sky...

        Ricardo - San Polo 1172, Venezia , VE , Italy
        3 mei 2022

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      • A great man who will be sadly missed
        reactie 31   |   niet OK
        I had the pleasure of my 1st engagement with Ruud in 2008 when I joined BAT when I joined him in the Europe IT team. I did not know at the time but this was to be an adventure over 14 years with great success and so much fun.
        We had a bond of trust and respect which paid dividends in our greatest success being the global implementation of TaO. This required dedication and focus with much time away from family and friends. The best way I can describe Ruud is that "he always got the job done, someone who I could always rely upon and he embraced challenges with a positive can do attitude".
        I will miss the beers from our many overseas trips.
        Goodbye my friend

        Mark - Belper
        3 mei 2022

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      • Will Miss you my Friend
        reactie 30   |   niet OK
        I still cannot believe that you are no longer with us. It was really heart breaking but I am sure in you are in a better place. Will miss you my friend.

        Masud - Surrey, United Kingdom
        3 mei 2022

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      • Great Man, you will be missed
        reactie 29   |   niet OK
        It was a real pleasure knowing and working with you. We all had the greatest respect for you, and you will be missed. You will stay in our memories. My deepest condolences to the loved ones and family left behind.

        Ettiene - London
        3 mei 2022

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      • Onverwacht ...
        reactie 28   |   niet OK
        Onverwacht en geschokt door het, voor mij onverwachts overlijden van Ruud, bekruipt mij het besef dat de tijd die ons is gegeven in dit leven zomaar kan eindigen,! Hierbij wens ik dan ook de familie van Ruud heel veel sterkte toe met het verwerken van de leegte die Ruud achterlaat! Rust zacht Ruud, de herinneringen en anekdotes aan jouw zullen altijd door blijven leven!

        Marco - PIJNACKER
        3 mei 2022

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      • reactie 27

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Matthijs - Nieuwveen

        3 mei 2022

      Laat nabestaanden weten dat u aan hen denkt

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      De mooiste herinneringen zijn vaak eenvoudige momenten waar je het eerst aan denkt. Condoleances zijn vaak de woorden die als eerste in je opkomen om verdriet te delen.

      Tips nodig voor het schrijven van condoleances of herinneringen?

      Niet iedereen die reageert kent zowel de nabestaanden als de persoon die overleden is.
      Het gaat om uw betrokkenheid, een reactie plaatsen is dan altijd gepast.