Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Alice Moldoveanu-van Raam

      Share the happy memories we’ve made
      You filled a space that no one will ever replace

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      • Alice and Henk in Berlin many years ago
        reactie 24   |   niet OK

        I haven't seen Alice for many years but I remember a lovely lady who was lots of fun. She will be sadly missed by her family and friends..

        Claire - Sheffield England
        14 december 2016

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      • reactie 23

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Marja - Zwanenburg

        14 december 2016

      • Een herinnering van een jeugdvriendin!
        reactie 22   |   niet OK
        Carmen Elisabeth Puchianu

        8 december om 23:34

        Nachruf auf Alice
        Als ich Alice Mitte September dieses Jahres auf dem Marktplatz in Kronstadt getroffen hatte, wusste ich gleich, dass ich sie so nie wieder sehen werde und dass für sie die Reise in die Geburtsstadt und zu den Gräbern ihrer Eltern eine Abschiedsreise sein würde. Nicht, dass Alice das so geäußert oder geklagt hätte. Ganz im Gegenteil, sie sagte mir, sie würde gerne auch im nächsten Jahr wiederkommen und auf jeden Fall Anfang Januar zu dem Treffen mit den Generationskolleginnen und –kollegen nach Deutschland fahren, da sie dem Klassentreffen 2015 fernbleiben musste. Ich nickte nur dazu und fragte sie, ob es ihr nicht kalt sei, der Himmel hatte sich etwas zugezogen über dem Marktplatz und wir saßen an einem der vielen Tische eines Straßencafés. Sie antwortete nicht auf meine Frage, sondern starrte irgendwohin in eine ferne Ferne, vor der mir schauderte. Ich erzählte ihr, dass ich mit meinen beiden Freundinnen in ein paar Tagen nach Rom fliegen würde und schon war Alice wieder da, sie freute sich und lachte, wie sie immer zu lachen pflegte, wenn sie an etwas Gefallen fand oder sich für etwas interessierte.
        Alice wurde von den Meisten von uns Scui gerufen. Ich weiß nicht wieso, ich weiß nicht, woher dieser Name kam und ob es ein Spitz- oder Kosename war. Vielleicht hatte sie ihn ja schon von klein auf aus der Familie mitbekommen, weil sie sicher immer schon sehr dünn war, ein kleiner spitzer Nagel, nennt man diesen Gegentand im Rumänischen immerhin cui. Großzügiger Weise hat sie den Namen allen ihren Freundinnen und Freunden sozusagen zur Nutzung freigegeben. Und Scui passte irgendwie zu Alice, darin spiegelte sich ihr Frohsinn ebenso wie ihre Tiefsinnigkeit, ihre Unbeschwertheit ebenso wie ihre Ernsthaftigkeit, ihre Kreativität wie ihre Besessenheit, das Richtige zu tun, ihre Wildheit sowie ihr Drang nach Ordnung und Ruhe, ihre Abenteuerlust sowie ihre Lust, sesshaft und häuslich zu werden.
        Es muss sie viel Kraft, viel guten Willen, viel Hingabe aber auch viel Verzicht gekostet haben, all das zu dem zu bündeln, was am Ende ihr Leben ausgemacht hat. Ich bin dankbar, dass auch ich Teil davon sein durfte, wenn auch nur zeitweilig und zufällig. Umso intensiver war der Austausch mit Alice, mit Scui, wenn sie immer wieder mal nach Kronstadt zurückkam und wir mit einander sprechen konnten.
        Nun ist Alice, ist Scui von uns gegangen und hinterlässt wie ein spitzer Nagel eine schmerzhafte Stelle in der Seele. Möge ihr Gott gnädig sein und ihr die ewige Ruhe schenken!
        Carmen Puchianu (Pucki), am 7.12.2016, Kronstadt

        Henk - Hoofddorp
        14 december 2016

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      • Polenta
        reactie 21   |   niet OK
        Eten in de tuin van Jet en JP, met Henk en Alice erbij, altijd gezellig. Alice had vaak een gerecht mee dat ik ook nog weleens maak in de zomer; feta met knoflook en kruiden. Lekker scherp, top op een warme zomeravond.
        De gesprekken gingen bijna altijd over eten. Want je kunt voedsel eten, koken, maar het leukste is om erover te praten.
        Jaren geleden kocht ik een kookboek van The River Cafe, met daarin een aantal recepten met polenta. Helemaal hip toen. Ik experimenteerde er lustig op los (tot verdriet van Mark,die het niet bliefde). Maar Alice moest er ook niets van weten. 'Polenta, dat aten we vroeger iedere dag, tot het mijn neus uit kwam. Polenta was het armenvoer. Ik eet het nooit meer!'
        Alice was gek op feta. Salade met watermeloen en feta en rode ui, ook zo'n gerecht dat ik nog steeds maak. Of kwam dat recept van Jet? Ik zocht vanochtend op Facebook naar haar Facecookpagina maar kon het niet vinden... Misschien moeten we al die recepten maar eens verzamelen en er een heus boekje van maken. Is dat wat?

        Elsbeth - Amsterdam
        14 december 2016

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      • Goodbye Alice
        reactie 20   |   niet OK
        Dear Henk, Roxana, Sarah, family,friends and other attendees,
        From me no ups and downs of 25 years of friendship. We cherish it and will share it often enough with Henk and family. More important is to realize who will be missed and that's Alice. As good friends you share with each other and enrich you together.
        If we look back a Thank you to Alice is in place.
        To name a few;
        - Thanks for your genuine interest in us and our children.
        - Thanks for your critical attitude to the world around you so you put us come to think.Not always all hands on one another but often striking.
        - You also suggested sometimes too high demands on the people around you. Your students will agree you were not the culture of mediocrity.
        - Thanks also for the good conversations that often went to.
        - And of course thanks to many pleasant hours at the table with yet another fantastic meal. Visible enjoying while you cook with the famous cloth around your head. You sometimes were delicious crazy.

        Dear family, let's continue this tradition and belief but everything that Alice is never out of our thoughts!
        I want to finish with a poem;

        If this is the end and nothing else,
        Then there is emptiness, shortcoming, grief and tears,
        What once was and no is longer.
        But there is more than life and limb,
        Much more.
        Because what a man imbued,
        That is, that was,
        Her spirit, her strength,
        Her mind,
        All gifts from her heart,
        Her boundless goodness,
        The strength of her word,
        Her affectionate gesture,
        Her speak quickly or just thoughtful,
        Sometimes telling her silence.
        All alive,
        Lives had continued in her
        Who loved her and keep,
        Because her mind never, no, never perishes

        René - Hoofddorp
        14 december 2016

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      • murat (michael) Tutkey
        reactie 19   |   niet OK
        mein beileid vomganzen herzen .....

        michael - turkey
        14 december 2016

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      • Foto
        reactie 18   |   niet OK

        Liebste Ima 2 sheli,

        Ich vermisse dich - jeden Tag.

        Deine Louise

        Louise - Hoofddorp
        14 december 2016

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      • The English version of the goodbye speech!
        reactie 17   |   niet OK
        Bine venit, Fogadtatás, Wilkommen, Shalom, Welcome, Welcome,
        Dear Alice, Draga Scui,
        Your mind’s been gone a few days, and today we say goodbye to your, once so beautiful body. I am so grateful, that I met you and that you have transformed me into a global citizen. You're a special woman with instruction manuel and if you read this well, you get access to her private space! That's not always easy, but Alice thinks you should invest in a relationship and have to fight for it. Scui is a lady with a lot’s of love in her soul, she loves to share this with people. She likes a lot of people around her and I love her! On our first date in the kibbutz I brought her in the wheelbarrow to the canteen, she liked it so much, i had to do it every day. Since 1978 she is my wife and enchanted me with her mysterious aura and her magical way to let you into her world of thought. We were married on the bicycle with all the following cars behind us. If would name all the superlatives about your nature and essence it would take a long time and you do not like TMI! All those present know what I mean. Three things I still have to mention, Alice is a very active woman who was nick-named by her grandmother, Hangya [ant], a world-class cook and a real Jewish mamele! For our two daughters, Roxana and Sarah she is a mother unprecedented, priceless. Her daughters are everything to her and she has ensured that there are two girls who hold their life in their own hands. She gave many kick’s under the ass to make sure the programs were completed and that a good future lay’s ahead. They are inspired by Alice to be always open to the new and / or unknown.
        Alice was born in Romania, in Brasov, Transylvania and grew up in the Strada de Mijloc 13. Viorica, her mother was Jewish and her father Victor, Romanian Orthodox, with the result that her childhood was punctuated with different rituals and traditions, which has been of great influence in her life. Her view of other people, nations was always open, honest and interested. This was also due to the multicultural status of Brasov, Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, Jews and Roma live there. No wonder that her talent for languages comes from here, she spoke 3 languages from childhood and when she, at Honterus school learned English, she quickly got the hang of it and started tutoring English to fellow students, teaching, was already early there.
        Romania, Israel, the Netherlands, West Berlin, the countries where she left her mark. We were in Israel, witnessed the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, helped to break down the wall in Berlin, lived with the Bedouin’s in the Sinai, were often behind the Iron Curtain and were traveling without a plan criss-cross over Europe. You are a former student of the Honterus gymnasium in Brasov, a former student of the Technion University in Haifa, former student of the Ulpan in Kibbutz Gat, graduated in Germanistik / Amerikanistik the FU in West Berlin and followed the teacher training at the university in Amsterdam. Mr. Geert Captains called a day after she had received her degree with the question if she wanted to work on the Barlaeus Gymnasium. That’s what happened and Alice went with pleasure to teach her children well, in the beginning she gave even ICT lesson’s to the 1st classes and made sure there came projectors in the classrooms. Her teaching style is unconventional and textbooks are a necessary evil, though grammar is her specialty. You learn a language by speaking and reading it, so in her classroom German was spoken. So she picked German tourists from Leidseplein, which as mistery guest’s, sat in the classroom and conducted discussions with the students. Literature was accessed through music, such as "das Perfume " by Peter Süsskind. Rammstein suddenly popped around the room with the song "du Riechst so Gut '. There was a lot of singing, because you remember everything better, the German Sesame Street song "der, die, das '' was a solid lesson part. I ask the students to sing it. She is a mentor and has assisted many students in problematic situations, she was always there for them. It was not always nice and easy at school, she had twice a burnout, but she always came back, because she couldn’t leave her children. The sense of duty and perseverance of Alice, I can only admire. She dragged herself early this year every morning to school, just to be able to teach. This teaching was mostly watching a German movie or read anything. The trip to Amsterdam already had cost too much energy and the doctors were very surprised that she went to work every day, her blood levels were so bad, it was a wonder that she could get up all. Alice does not give up, she goes on to till the bitter end. And I can tell you that the end is very bitter!
        I thank all the speakers for their nice words, I thank you all for your presence. The large turnout gives me and my daughters a very warm feeling in our hearts.

        Henk - Hoofddorp
        13 december 2016

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      • Een warme ontmoeting in Israël..
        reactie 16   |   niet OK
        Lieve Alice,
        We hebben elkaar een paar jaar geleden in Tel Aviv, Israël ontmoet. Ik mocht toen ook kennis maken met je lieve man, je prachtige dochters en vriendin. En ook in Nederland hebben we meermaals met elkaar afgesproken en actuele thema's met elkaar besproken. Toen je jongste dochter mij vertelde dat je het aardse en daarmee ons had verlaten schrok ik heel erg. Maar ondanks dat je fysiek niet meer in ons midden bent zul je altijd in onze hoofdjes blijven leven. Alice, je was een pracht vrouw. G-D Bless.

        Chaim - Amsterdam
        13 december 2016

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      • Muziek
        reactie 15   |   niet OK

        Koken, eten, genieten, drinken, lachen, huilen, de Roemeens/joodse gastvrijheid. Dit was een belangrijk onderdeel in Alice haar leven!

        Henk - Hoofddorp
        13 december 2016

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