Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Pieter-Jan Bouw

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      • Not so soon Pieter Jan
        reactie 21   |   niet OK

        Dear Berlinde, Joyce, Lisa and Daniel.

        I'm very sorry for the untimely loss of Pieter Jan ,Kindly accept my deepest condolences. Iam still not able to get over the news of PJ passing away. It has pleased the Lord to take Pieter Jan to his eternal home, though his life on earth had been short, he has made a great impact in the lives of many people, especially the children in India. As in the Bible, 2 Timothy 4: 7, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Surely Pieter Jan has fought a good fight , has finished his race in this world victoriously and kept his faith in the Lord till the very end. He has gone to a place where there is no more pain or sorrow.

        Pieter Jan was one of the few who has greatly influenced and impacted my life, he always cared for the people around him, and I have seen his generosity, hospitality and the heart to make sure that people around him were comfortable. He was a wonderful man of God and always kept God first. He always led by example and walked the talk. He was a very simple, kind hearted and compassionate person. He was very passionate about his work and used to work tirelessly for the cause of the marginalized communities and the children especially. I have personally learnt a lot seeing his commitment, his dedication and sincerity towards work .

        As much he was extremely hard working and took very little time off work, he enjoyed doing simple things in life, he made sure to spend time talking to people and get to know them better. His laughter was infectious, his tears were even more infectious. He was out and out a family oriented person. He would always make a mention about his family in all our conversations, it was quite evident how much he loved his family and longed to get back to his family after every travel.

        Pieter Jan's passing away is a great loss to the family and the people around him, nevertheless we have a hope in Christ that we will meet Him face to face some day.

        Pleased be assured of our prayers for the comfort of the family. God be with you'll.

        Sweety Eunice
        Ex - staff of Help A Child of India.

        Sweety - CHENNAI, INDIA
        7 maart 2022

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      • Wat een voorbeeld
        reactie 20   |   niet OK

        Pieter-Jan wat ben jij een voorbeeld geweest in diepgang, zachtmoedigheid en geloof voor mij. Altijd was je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen, altijd nieuwe interessante artikelen te lezen, altijd zachtmoedig, en een voorbeeld in geloof! Een geweldige collega!

        Geert - Leusden
        7 maart 2022

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        reactie 19   |   niet OK
        Pieter-Jan was een bijzonder inspirerende collega. Ik zal hem missen. Veel sterkte allemaal.

        Johan - Ede
        7 maart 2022

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      • Thanks for your mentorship and great support
        reactie 18   |   niet OK
        My deepest condolences to Pieter-Jan Bouw's family, my prayer is that may the Lord comfort you and strengthen you all.
        Pieter-Jan was a friend, great mentor and support while working together in sponsorship at Help A Child. I will truly miss his wise counsel and encouragement during challenging times. I have learnt a lot from him, but what stood out for me was his steadfast faith in our Lord Jesus and great passion for children in need.
        I have asked myself many questions when I received the sad news of his passing, but what consoles me is that He new the Lord and he is in a better place.

        To Berlinde, Joyce, Lisa, Mees, and Daniel! May the Lord take care of you and watch over you

        Clara - Nairobi County
        7 maart 2022

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      • Gecondoleerd
        reactie 17   |   niet OK
        Namens de afdeling Internationale Ontwikkeling en Samenwerking (IOS) van het Leger des Heils gecondoleerd met het overlijden van Pieter Jan.
        Zelf heb ik in de periode MSF2 (2010-2015) veel met Pieter Jan samengewerkt en ook daarna nog regelmatig contact gehad oa. n.a.v. het plan om een gezamenlijk project te starten in Oost Congo.
        Pieter Jan was bevlogen, professioneel, aardig en kon met humor relativeren.
        Heel veel sterkte en kracht van onze hemelse Vader bij dit grote verlies.

        jan - zwolle
        7 maart 2022

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      • reactie 16

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Arie - Nunspeet

        7 maart 2022

      • Veel sterkte
        reactie 15   |   niet OK

        Lieve Lisa en Mees en familie,

        Tranen spreken waar woorden ontbreken.

        Gecondoleerd met het verlies van jullie lieve (schoon)vader en man. Heel veel sterkte de komende tijd en wij steken een kaarsje aan voor jullie.

        Mirthe, Aïda en Manon

        Manon - Groningen
        7 maart 2022

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        reactie 14   |   niet OK
        Lieve familie Bouw,

        Hierbij willen we jullie condoleren met het overlijden van Pieter Jan.
        We wensen jullie heel veel sterkte toe.

        Hartelijke groeten Kees en Akkie Grin.

        Akkie en Kees - Heerenveen
        7 maart 2022

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      • reactie 13

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Angelo - Juba, South Sudan

        7 maart 2022

      • Thanks for your warmth, smile and kindness!
        reactie 12   |   niet OK
        Pieter-Jan, you will be dearly missed by many.
        I cherished those moments where we used to work together - among different communities in Africa and Asia, where we often took time to pause and reflect on the journey of life. I'm the primary beneficiary from your incredible wisdom and great personality. I so much enjoyed your sense of humour and laughter, making our cooperation even more interesting. I guess your 'African soul' :) made a distinct difference in the way you carried yourself during those days. I noticed that in many occasions.
        The last time I saw you, at your home, I got to know you even more "the Van Goh in you" with some nice canvas paintings made by you! That day, biking all the way to your place (Geert and I) was also a lot of fun! :)
        I also know you left a wonderful family behind - who will always remember you & live your shining legacy. What a life lived, with integrity and purpose!

        My deepest Condolences to Berlinde, Joyce, Lisa, Mees, and Daniel!
        Praying for you,

        Assegid - Addis Ababa
        7 maart 2022

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