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Angi & pete Cartwright,
Our hearts go out to Marina's family and friends. So tragic. Can we also spare a thought for the driver of the car that was involved. RIP Marina. Xx
Angi - Boston, lincs
23 september 2013
condoleance 223  |  
Jane Cozens
So very sorry, such a tragic loss. Rest in peace Marina - family and friends are in our thoughts.
Jane - Cambridgeshire, England
23 september 2013
condoleance 222  |  
Jane goodman
So sad. r.Ii.p my heart and thoughts gos to her family. Just so awful. Hope they get the driver who ran into her and lock him up xx
Jane - Jane goodman
23 september 2013
condoleance 221  |  
Chris Hendriks H152 F2 & Familie.
Wij wensen Roy Tim en familie heel veel sterkte met het verlies van Marina.
Chris - Baarlo
23 september 2013
condoleance 220  |  
bram gertie
woorden schieten tekort bij dat grote verlies.

wensen Roy Tim Familie en vrienden heel veel sterkte in deze tijd
bram - landgraaf
23 september 2013
condoleance 219  |  
Gerry Wilkin
R.I.P Marina and family at this sad time.
Gerry - Nottingham, England.
23 september 2013
condoleance 218  |  
Ed en Tonnie Jacobs
Familie, vrienden en bekenden, heel veel sterkte met dit zware verlies.
Ed - Grubbenvorst
23 september 2013
condoleance 217  |  
Nick, Alison and Joe Wardle
We are so sorry to hear Marina has lost her life. May the memories she leaves behind live in your hearts forever. There are no words right now to express how sad we feel for Roy and Tim ,their families and friends. We send our love to you all. xx
Nick, - Leicester...England
23 september 2013
condoleance 216  |  
Russ Saxon
Such sad news , thoughts and blessing go to family and friends
Russ - Hadfield, Derbyshire UK
23 september 2013
condoleance 214  |  
Peter ayriss
RIP Marina Heller so sad xxx
Peter - Macclesfield near Manchester
23 september 2013
condoleance 215  |  

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