Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Laurens Jonathan Toering

      We zijn verdrietig om afscheid te nemen van onze zeer geliefde Laurens. Via deze pagina willen we gegevens delen over de uitvaart. Tevens zal dit platform ook een plaats zijn waar we samen Laurens kunnen gedenken. You can find the English translation below

      Hoewel Laurens is overleden, zal hij in onze harten en gedachten voortleven. We hopen dat dit een plek zal zijn om herinneringen aan Laurens, klein of groot, te delen. Deze website zal in ieder geval een jaar online blijven. Gedurende deze tijd kunt u schriftelijke of foto herinneringen delen wanneer u maar wilt — of dat nu direct is of pas over enkele maanden.

      Condoleances worden ook zeer gewaardeerd.

      We are saddened to say goodbye to our dearly beloved Laurens. Through this page, we wish to share details about the funeral.

      Although Laurens has passed away, he will continue to live in our hearts and thoughts. We hope this will be a place to share memories of Laurens, big or small. This website will remain online for at least one year. During this time, you are welcome to share memories whenever you wish — whether immediately or several months later.

      Condolences are also highly appreciated. Feel free to share your memories and condolences in English.

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        reactie 12   |   niet OK
        Until today, I still think about how different my life would be if I had accepted Laurens' invitation to staff at YWAM Amsterdam alongside him in the SBS. Laurens was my one-on-one during my School of Biblical Studies, and I was so grateful to have known him back in Muizenberg. We'd have weekly breakfasts together at his place which fresh bread, slices of cheese, and his homemade herb-infused olive oil. It is not too often that I've met anyone who is as passionate about the Bible as Laurens. They way he talked about the Bible was so inspiring and he was a great communicator too. Laurens' other passion was playing board games and video games. Though he was introverted, he is always the first to host a board games night. I remember playing a lot of board games at his house and he and Annelyne hosted me for a week in Amsterdam. Though we didn't keep in contact much since my trip to Amsterdam, I still think about him from time to time. It saddened me to hear about his passing, but I am comforted to know that God has him now, and he is not in pain anymore.

        Roy - US
        14 april 2024

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      • Birthday on a boat
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        Leah - Amsterdam
        14 april 2024

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      • A few memories of Laurens
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        I still remember the first time I met Laurens. We shook each others hand and he said with a little too much enthusiasm: “So, I think we will become the best of friends”.

        For a few times I tried to join the afternoons where he played all kinds of complicated board games. He tried explaining them with great enthusiasm, but when I finally understood what was happening, we were done and he already had another game ready. He was always better at games than me. I never stood a chance in any of the games of League of Legends or Civilization we played over the years. Recently he made sure to remind me of this. “Yea, you sucked at all these games, except Starcraft, you were pretty decent at that one”.

        I don’t really know how many games we started to make ourselves. We had game jams where we tried to make a game in a weekend, we had all kinds of notes and sketches and ideas floating around. I think we actually managed to finish one in the end. I hope to one day finish the game we worked on together last.

        Another game we played was who could wind up the other most. Like little puppies play-fighting we made it a sport to get the biggest reaction out of each other.
        I would make a unnuanced comment on the bible and sit back and watch the show. In turn he loved to have people pull their hair out because of comments he made on political or cultural matters.

        I attached two photos of Laurens helping us to renovate our house and move. Together we tore the place apart, and he helped us pick up a washing machine. It was quite a puzzle putting it into the little car, but we figured it out. We were feeling so accomplished when we had finally moved it up three floors and all the way in the back room, only to find out it broke too soon and we had been scammed.

        Laurens was always ready to help people out. Wether it was people who needed some extra support, like the homeless refugee who lived with them for several weeks, the foster children who needed a quiet place or people in general needing friendship and companionship. He threw his full intensity in support of people who he saw needed it.

        On vacation in Norway we went on beautiful hikes in which he considered moving into a viking re-enactment village and learn their ways, we went on runs together and he was constantly listening to an audio course on learning Norwegian.

        In my memory Laurens will always be stepping around their big chickens wearing his wooden shoes, looking for eggs to make for breakfast. In Oldebroek he had the space and time for his unusual hobbies like smoking salmon or making his own butter. In the event of the apocalypse, Laurens would be the guy you would wanted to be around.

        I am happy that our last conversation was so typical of the ones we usually had. He gave me his theory on what came first, the chicken or the egg. We talked about Martin Luther. We laughed at our recurring inside jokes and he recommended to me a video game he knew I was going to love.

        I will miss Laurens. I will miss his colourful story telling about strange and bizarre situations, his child-like enthusiasm, his authenticity and honesty and his eagerness to do something together, and to do it well.

        Joshua - Amsterdam
        14 april 2024

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      • Super serious, but super fun!
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        This man was a joy to listen to, passionate about the Bible, and about teaching it. Deep convictions and strong words about truly loving people unconditionally. This is the level where we connected deeply - heart to heart.
        Super serious, but super fun!
        Any story he would tell would be heavliy salted with juicy exaggerations, random EXCLAMATIONS and anything ordinary would sound interesting and extraordinary. Such enjoyment to listen to, never a dull moment with Laurens!
        So thankful for such a great friend, we will miss you!

        Joshua - Voorthuizen
        13 april 2024

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      • A friendship worth making memories together
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        Making wonderful memories with good friends in Karoo, South Africa.
        We were on holiday in South Africa while Laurens and Annelyne were with YWAM in Muizenberg, so we took the opportunity to spend a few days together in and around Karoo National P.ark.
        Many meaningful conversations, but of course also a lot of fun together! A few moments of joy were:
        -We drove through the park when he spotted a tortoise walking our way, Laurens jumped out of the car to pick up the tortoise, drive, and drop it off 500m further 'now he has to walk ALL that way again :)'.
        -WIthin a fenced area we saw some baboons which he teased out to come after him, but when they did he really got a fright and suddenly ran to the car very fast 'oops, I forgot that monkeys can climb fences'
        -He was convinced that meat in South Africa was not so great, while we with our South African background were SURE he somehow never tasted the meat. SO we bought him a local lamb burger, and his words were 'I've NEVER EVER tasted such a delicious burger in my life before, I hope I'll have space for more'
        -The smell of the first rain of the season we all enjoyed together.

        Joshua - Voorthuizen
        13 april 2024

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      • A thank you
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        Laurens always made me laugh. We would have excited discussions about random topics that, for no reason apparent, we would become very passionate about. I loved being able to be ridiculously hyper-focused on something because he would always manage to somehow have an even weirder obsession. When I was around Laurens I always felt my thoughts and opinions mattered and he would be keen to have a deep talk about whatever topic that day would bring. The authenticity he brought really impacted the years I lived in Amsterdam and I am so grateful for the friendship and moments we shared. For a time I had a shift at the cafe of the organization we used to work at. I wasn't doing so good back then and he would always come for a "real talk". Everyday I was there he would lean on the counter and offer just some really good intentional "how are you today?" kind of thing. And again he would always make me laugh. From honest conversations to movie nights and crazy hyped up games ("Are you ready for another awesome night of yelling, accusing and eventually forgiving, Raquel?") Laurens really impacted my days and made them so much better. I loved the silinnes, I loved the seriousness, I loved the intentionality. That's how he stays with me. I wish I could say thank you and I really hope he knew all of that.

        Raquel - São Paulo, Brazil
        13 april 2024

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        Laurens always made me laugh. We would have excited discussions about random topics that, for no reason apparent, we would become very passionate about. I loved being able to be ridiculously hyper-focused on something because he would always manage to somehow have an even weirder obsession. When I was around Laurens I always felt my thoughts and opinions mattered and he would be keen to have a deep talk about whatever topic that day would bring. The authenticity he brought really impacted the years I lived in Amsterdam and I am so thankful for the friendship and moments we shared. For a time I had a shift at the cafe of the organization we used to work at. I wasn't doing so good back then and he would always come for a "real talk". Everyday I was there he would lean on the counter and offer just some really good intentional "how are you today?" kind of thing. And again he would always make me laugh. From honest conversations to movie nights and crazy hyped up games ("Are you ready for another awesome night of yelling, accusing and eventually forgiving, Raquel?") Laurens really impacted my days and made them so much better. I loved the silliness, I loved the seriousness, I loved the intentionality. That's how he stays with me. I wish I could say thank you and I really hope he knew all of that.

        Raquel - São Paulo, Brazil
        13 april 2024

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        Kyle - Canada

        13 april 2024

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        Laurens, I remember the very first day of our Bible school when you were crying while explaining to our class how much you loved Scriptures. I was struck by how much it has clearly impacted you. Later on, reading our very first book, you told us to savour every word, and read it slowly and take it in. I still think about how you said that to this day often when I read my own bible. Those words stuck with me; I have been so inspired by how you truly believed those words held immense power.

        Not only did you walk with great faith but I remember you as someone fun to be around. I couldn't wait for the nights us students were welcomed into you and Annelyne's apartment for wine & a game of 'Secret Hitler'.

        When I think of you, I'll remember your passion, faith and joy.

        Mikayla - Vancover, Canada
        12 april 2024

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        Leah - Amsterdam
        12 april 2024

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