Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Johan van Rekom

It is with deep regret that we have learned of the sudden passing of our dear colleague

Johan van Rekom

Assistant Professor of Marketing Research at our Department of Marketing Management. He passed away last weekend at the age of 51.

Johan has been with RSM for almost 25 years. He started at RSM as a PhD student and wrote his thesis on the topic of Corporate Identity. After he received his PhD degree he studied topics like the effects of organisational identity on the motivation of organisation members and the essence of brands. He strongly believed in his interdisciplinary approach and his unwillingness to compromise on his core academic values deserves great respect.

Johan taught the introductory marketing research courses in our bachelor programmes for many years and successfully supervised a large number of students with their Master thesis. Johan was extremely dedicated to his students and took their interest to heart in his very special way. Several of his students received thesis awards, which testifies to his enormous dedication and drive to get the best out of his students. In his current roles as thesis co-ordinator of our Master Marketing Management and as a member of the RSM Examination Board he showed the same attitude and tireless effort.

We will remember Johan as a kind, giving and scientifically driven colleague with broad and deep interests and a nice sense of humour. Johan always amazed us with his knowledge of many languages —ranging from Norwegian to Italian and from Portuguese to Czech—and his deep insights into even the weirdest historical events. His phenomenal memory served him well in his work as a professional tour guide in his spare time and it was always true fun to have him lead us at our departmental outings sharing his unparalleled knowledge. In his own way he was able to make us look in a different way at places many of us had been visiting for many years without noticing the very special details he was aware of. He loved hiking, and spent many of his holidays in the Alps, where he found the open views and rarefied air at the top all the more attractive because of the challenge of getting there.

Johan was a generous and humble person. He will be dearly missed by us all.
Our thoughts are with his mother, brother and other relatives and friends.

The funeral will be held on Friday January 30 from 11am onwards at Monuta Soek, Hoogmadeseweg 66, 2351 CV Leiderdorp.

With kind regards and fond memories of Johan

Steef van de Velde, Dean RSM
Ale Smidts, Chair Department of Marketing Management RSM
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Gedenkplaats geopend door:

Marianne Schouten


Henk Volberda
Johan was een van de steunpilaren van de Rotterdam School of Management en heeft ontzettend veel betekend voor het onderwijs en onderzoek aan onze faculteit. We verliezen in hem een fijne en betrokken collega en een heel bijzonder mens. Het is zo jammer dat zo'n unieke persoonlijkheid en gedreven iemand niet meer bij ons is. Ik wens de naaste familie, vrienden en directe collega's heel veel sterkte met het verwerken van dit groot verlies.
Henk - Zeist
28 januari 2015
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Julia Kooyman
Vreselijk nieuws om te horen dat Johan is overleden. Mede dankzij Johan's enthousiasme en tomeloze inzet heb ik afgelopen zomer mijn scriptie met succes verdedigd.

Ik wens de familie, vrienden en collega's van Johan heel veel sterkte met het verwerken van dit verlies.
Julia Kooyman
Julia - Rotterdam
28 januari 2015
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Bart De Langhe
Ik deed mijn doctoraat in Rotterdam tussen 2006 en 2011, en had het geluk om Johan in die periode te leren kennen. Johan was een vaste waarde, aanwezig op elk seminar, altijd enthousiast. Hij had steeds een bijzonder en uniek perspectief op onderzoek, en de wereld rondom. Op een dag reden we samen in de auto van Breda naar Rotterdam, een rit die ik al zo vaak tot vervelens toe had afgelegd. Johan wist over alles iets interessants te vertrellen. Zo wees hij mij op de spoorwegbrug tussen Dordrecht en Rotterdam, die volgens hem door de Dortenaren "hemelbed" wordt genoemd. Sinds toen zag ik elke dag een hemelbed op weg van mijn huis naar het werk. Een klein weetje dat de wereld rondom zo veel interessanter en aangenamer maakt. Dank je Johan, je was heel bijzonder, en ik ga je missen op mijn volgende bezoek aan de marketing groep in Rotterdam.

Veel sterkte aan de familie, vrienden, en collega's van Johan.
Bart De Langhe
Bart - Boulder, Colorado, USA
28 januari 2015
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Robert Govers
Diep bedroefd en geschokt heb ik kennis genomen van het overlijden van Johan. Hij was een belangrijke bron van inspiratie en persoonlijk heb ik veel aan hem te danken. Via deze weg wens ik dan ook mijn dankbaarheid uit te drukken en de familie en vrienden van Johan veel sterkte te wensen.
Robert - Brasshaat, België
28 januari 2015
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Gabriele Jacobs
Johan humbled me with his kindness and generosity and his ability to embrace life with all its beauties and difficulties. Johan inspired me with his passion for science and his pleasure of searching for the truth. Johan touched me with his love and care for our students and his drive to get the very best out of each and every thesis.
Johan, I am so grateful for the countless times you made me laugh, you helped me see things in a different light and you surprised me with your incredible knowledge. We had many plans together. Our jointly collected data are on my computer, your notes, books, and the proposals of our joint students are next to me on my desk.
I am grateful that I could enjoy you for so many years as my dear colleague. Du warst ein sehr besonderer Freund.
My sincere condolences go out to you, dear family and friends of Johan. What a loss. I deeply hope it gives you a bit of comfort to see how many hearts Johan touched.

Gabriele - Rotterdam
28 januari 2015
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Tom Brown
I am so sorry to learn of Johan’s passing. I didn’t get to spend as much time with him as I would have liked, but he was always a joy to be with when I was around him. Just this past September he led a group of us through a section of Amsterdam, pointing out the highlights—things that we would never have noticed without his help. His smile and wonderful sense of humor will be missed.

My condolences to his family.

Tom Brown
Tom - Stillwater, Oklahoma USA
28 januari 2015
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Sigrid Batenburg
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Sigrid - Lekkerkerk
28 januari 2015
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Denny Gioia
A stunning tragedy for us in the field to lose such a wonderful person and a versatile mind. A real contributor in so many ways. My model for living life has always been the "Renaissance Person" model. Johan was the embodiment of that worldview.

Denny Gioia
Denny - Penn State
28 januari 2015
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Allard Markus
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Allard - Rotterdam
28 januari 2015
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Jatinder Sidhu
I am bewildered - very difficult to imagine that Johan will not just walk into my office one of these days, bringing his wonderful warmth and calming presence.
I will miss Johan, even though he will always be there in my heart and mind.
My heartfelt condolences to Johan's family and friends.

Jatinder Sidhu
Jatinder - Rotterdam
28 januari 2015
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