Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Ger van Rijswick

      Je was onze rots in de brandingen koerste recht door zee,
      het liefst nam je ons altijd met je avonturen mee.
      Je trotseerde storm en golven elke keer,
      nu laat je voor het laatst je anker neer.

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      Tips over condoleren of herinneringen delen?

      • reactie 67

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Guus - Almere

        24 april 2020

      • Condolences from Weir Minerals
        reactie 66   |   niet OK
        As Divisional President we want to express our deepest condolences on passing of Ger to our colleague Ralph and his dearest family.
        Ger leaves a great legacy on his special and dearest personal condition as much as the technical development of equipments and systems all over the world.
        Hope family could find consolation on the fact that he will be remembered by his friends and coming generations.

        Ricardo - Fort Worth
        23 april 2020

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      • medeleven met Marij, kinderen en kleinkinderen.
        reactie 65   |   niet OK
        Ger, mijn broer en voor Frans schoonbroer.
        Na dagen na het overlijden hebben we er nog steeds moeilijk mee om te begrijpen waarom Ger deze ziekte niet goed doorstaan heeft en vele anderen er wel doorheen komen. Hij was sterk en een vechter. Zo onwerkelijk dus.
        We zullen hem ontzettend missen, het doet ons veel pijn. Er is een leeg plekje bij verjaardagen en andere familiebijeenkomsten. Hij was altijd aanwezig maar niet perse op de voorgrond.
        Marij, heel veel sterkte met het gemis van Ger. Het leven ziet er nu heel anders uit. Probeer de herinneringen een plekje te geven en zoek veel troost en moed bij je kinderen en kleinkinderen.
        Ralph, Erik, Geert, Inge,Yvonne , Loes en Lorianne, heel veel sterkte met het gemis van pap. Helaas kan hij niet meer de klusjes met jullie doen en gaan jullie vakanties er ook anders uitzien.
        De kleinkinderen: nu opa er niet meer is, verwen oma goed. Zorg dat ze geniet van jullie.
        Als wij je ergens mee kunnen helpen, we zijn er voor je.
        Frans en Wil.

        Wil en Frans - Reuver
        23 april 2020

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      • The greatest teacher
        reactie 64   |   niet OK
        There is a Greek proverb that suggests that we are able to sit in the comfort of the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

        I did not have the pleasure of meeting Ger personally, but as Managing Director of Weir Minerals Netherlands, I know lots of people who did, and I have heard lots of stories about him since I joined the company back in 2013. Many of these have been fondly recounted over the last few days by the colleagues and friends who’s lives he not only touched, but positively influenced.

        There are common themes that give an insight into what a special man Ger was, and the high regard he is held by those people who were lucky enough to have known him.

        Ger is always referred to as an open, warm and honest man. He was modest, but always carried a smile, and of course, his trusty briefcase. His approachable nature and great interest in his work and our company, meant that people naturally went to him with their questions. Because of this, he is seen as one of the greatest teachers within the long history of our business, selflessly giving the precious gift of time in sharing his deep knowledge of the GEHO pumping technology he was responsible for developing. His teaching was not limited to the Venlo team, he shared his knowledge world-wide.

        I read an email from Australia this week, from a long standing member of the Weir family, who back in 1991, spent some time with Ger visiting Australian customers. This is what he wrote:

        “I probably was driving him crazy like a little kid asking all the time – “But Why?”

        Ger never failed though, and would always give me the in-depth full review of why this was done, what they have done since and plans he had for the future. He never held back in passing on the knowledge to others like me, and for this I am forever grateful to have learnt from the best in the business. My solid grounding and learning from the person who was “the brains behind the business” established a very strong link between me and Ger over the years.”

        Another email, this time from the USA, had a similar message.

        “I had the privilege of working a lot with Ger during the ‘90’s, during the development of the heat barrier pumps and the UpTime Valve technology for the Autoclave applications. He was a true gentleman, a friend and teacher – he will be missed”

        Back to the Greek proverb…..Ger retired in 2009, yet the work that he did, and the learnings that he shared, have enabled us to grow from strength to strength. 2019 was the best ever year in the history of the Venlo business, made possible because of what Ger has gifted us. The GEHO pump and the GEHO brand have always represented high quality engineering, the best available anywhere in the world. Moreover, in Ger’s son Ralph, we have a new visionary, a safe and strong set of hands to keep us at the forefront of technology in the years ahead. All of this is the unique legacy that Ger leaves. The shade and shelter offered by the trees that he planted for us will help protect us from the uncertain times that we now find ourselves in, allowing us to emerge from this even stronger.

        On behalf of the Weir Minerals leadership team, I would like to say thank you. Thank you Ger for what you have given us. Thank you Marij, for sharing Ger with the company for so many years. And thank you to the Van Rijswick family for allowing us to share these reflections at a very private moment for you all.

        Ger, rest in peace.

        Stuart Hayton
        Managing Director

        Stuart - Meerssen
        23 april 2020

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      • reactie 63

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Frank - Meijel

        23 april 2020

      • Forever thankfull!
        reactie 62   |   niet OK
        Dear Family van Rijswijk, what a shock and great sadness to hear of your loss. I shall remember Ger as a passionate mentor and enthusiastic engineer in mind and soul and I shall miss his soft spoken nature and wonderful ideas and guidance that I was fortunate to have received from him in the time that we worked together in Venlo. His extensive knowledge was for me like a walking Library. Too Soon you had to leave this world, but now you sail a different ocean, God Bless and the family are in our thoughts and prayers.

        Oliver en Willemien - Venlo
        23 april 2020

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      • Persoonlijke reactie...
        reactie 61   |   niet OK
        Het onvoorstelbare is gebeurd! Heel veel sterkte gewenst met het verlies van Ger!

        Leo en Gerrie - Castenray
        23 april 2020

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      • reactie 60
        Marja en Harrie

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Marja en Harrie - Venlo

        23 april 2020

      • Persoonlijke reactie...
        reactie 59   |   niet OK
        Ger heb ik begin jaren 90 leren kennen toen ik vanuit Begemann in Venlo ging werken. Ik had slechts zijdelings met Ger van doen, maar als ik dan met een vraag bij hem kwam had hij altijd ruimte om me verder te helpen. De rust, expertise en zijn fijne omgang met mensen blijven me bij. Hetzelfde ervaar ik bij Ralph.
        Ik heb Ger nog gesproken op de "gepensioneerden dag". Hij genoot van zijn leven zei hij.
        Ik wil jullie allemaal condoleren met dit enorme verlies. Heel verdrietig, ik denk aan jullie.

        Ans - Eindhoven
        23 april 2020

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      • Gecondoleerd
        reactie 58   |   niet OK
        Beste familie,
        Wij wensen jullie heel veel sterkte met het verlies van Ger.
        Pol en Miep Clabbers

        Pol en Miep - Broekhuizenvorst
        23 april 2020

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