Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Donna Rae Gordon


      Donna touched us all with her warm heart, bright smile and beautiful personality.

      What will we remember most about Donna?  Her humor , her kindness and sincerity and her general belief that everyone is good and means well. 

      She had a great love for music, playing drums and coloring. She had about a 100 coloring books.

      She really enjoyed food, but was not really partial to vegetables although she did take a liking to asperges recently.

      She also liked doing crochet, she started on scarves for a colleague’s daughters in 2017 but never finished them as Donna always wanted everything to be perfect and thought that what she created was never good enough.

      Her drive was something everyone admired. She moved from California to The Netherlands on her own and mastered the Dutch language in no time without following one course

      Donna’s death was sudden, but her life was not faint. Her memory will always be with us.

      We will all miss our friend dearly and are grateful for having known her.

      Please be so kind to write your messages in English.

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      • So sorry for your loss
        reactie 46   |   niet OK
        Dear family and friends of Donna,
        I'm very sorry for your terrible loss...
        I've only known her from the occasional, informal, happy chats at the coffee corner and always seeing her walking on the 22nd floor with a smile on her face; such a warm personality!
        I wish you all the best in these difficult times.
        Take care,

        Jorinde - De Weere
        23 maart 2020

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      • My condolences
        reactie 45   |   niet OK
        Dear family and friends of Donna,
        My thoughts are with you, I hope some of my words will relieve some of the pain..
        I know Donna from the office only, we did not work together but only had chats at the coffee machine, always laughing and smiling. The chats were usually about how good she was looking, the band, music and a lot of other things. Always with a smile, that is how I remember this pretty lady.
        I wish you all the best in this hard time.

        Roderick - Castricum
        23 maart 2020

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      • R.I.P. Donna
        reactie 44   |   niet OK
        The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?
        Edgar Allan Poe

        I am deeply saddened by this loss. You have always been a shining, cheerfull, inspiring colleague to me, special and artistic, open and human.
        My condolences.

        Erik - Simpelveld
        22 maart 2020

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      • Donna living to the beats of her own drums
        reactie 43   |   niet OK
        My deepest condolences to Donna's family.
        Donna and I worked together in the two years (2014-2016) I was at Elsevier and from day one we connected. I will never forget her energy, her positivity, her elegance, her strong sense of independence, her honesty, and of course her passion for music and drumming. So many things to love about her!
        She was inspiring and she certainly showed that it is never too late to do what you love.
        I was very much grateful to attend one of her gigs and film her (https://youtu.be/ben4lZdmX_I). She really was in her element playing drums.
        R.I.P lovely Donna.
        Maryse Elliott

        Maryse - The Hague
        21 maart 2020

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      • Forever in our hearts
        reactie 42   |   niet OK

        Dear Donna,

        You will be forever in our hearts. We will miss you. And, we will always be connected thru the Bolero by Ravel. I remember how we listened to it together a few years ago and how much you enjoyed it. Whenever we hear this beautiful timeless piece that you loved so much, and especially the drums, we'll be together in spirit.

        To Donna's family -- we offer our deepest condolences to all of you in this very difficult time. Please know we're thinking of you and sending our love.

        Joyce and Todd

        Joyce en Todd - Hoofddorp
        21 maart 2020

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      • A strong lady with a golden heart
        reactie 41   |   niet OK

        My deepest condolences to Donna’s family. To her mother, who taught her to be resilient, proud, work hard and never give up. To Charlene: your big sister loved you very much. She wanted you to believe in your many talents as much as she did. Please take good care of your mother, her Hero.
        I have known Donna for twenty years. We shared life’s ups and downs, at work and in private. We talked for hours at length, we had fun, we argued, we agreed to disagree and still be friends. I knew that no matter what, I could rely on her. Be it with sweet words or tough love, above all she was always honest and caring. I will cherish the memory of her cheeky smile, whenever she said “Our love is deep…!”
        Donna was beautiful in and out and I will miss her dearly.

        Ginetta - Amsterdam
        21 maart 2020

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      • Donna, a special lady
        reactie 40   |   niet OK
        Donna, you were a special lady in a lot of ways. You were honest and direct, a hard worker and you loved your work. You appreciated and loved life ... that is a wonderful way to be. I know you had a lot of friends who will miss you a lot and keep you in their memory ... me being one of them. I can't say how shocked l was to hear this news, you were too young, too full of life for this to happen. I feel for your mother very much, she was so proud of you .. and rightly so. This will be a huge blow to her.
        Donna, l am proud to have known you and called you a friend. xxxxx

        Ingrid - Purmerend
        21 maart 2020

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      • Heikki
        reactie 39   |   niet OK
        My deepest condolences for the Donnas family. We had many interesting And inspiring discussions about and around music while being colleagues in Elsevier. Thanks for all the great music and knowledge you shared with me.

        Heikki - Amsterdam
        20 maart 2020

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      • Sending thoughts and condolences to Donna's loves ones...
        reactie 38   |   niet OK
        I was so sorry to learn about this sad news. Donna was a good colleague, and she will be missed by many. I wish I had gotten to know Donna better, including her musical interests. May your memories bring you comfort at this difficult time.

        Linda - New York, NY, USA
        20 maart 2020

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      • lady with passion
        reactie 37   |   niet OK
        Dear family of Donna,
        I am thinking of you and pray for God's close presence in this difficult time.
        I know Donna from trainrides to and from Almere and meeting up in the elevator. She was a lady with passion!

        Jolanda - Almere
        20 maart 2020

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