Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Amben Eugenie Pelenkahu

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Gedenkplaats geopend door:

Elando de Calonne


ik na jongste

Tak sekejap mata tertutup di tengah malam tiap hari adalah engkau selalu menghadiriku
membelai hati yang sangat patah karena engaku telah tiada di dunia ini dan membelai serta mencoba mengeringkan air mata yang tak terhenti...

patah hati obatnya adalah berdoa itulah selalu yang kau ajarkan sebernanya dalam segala hal mam...
tak tersangka biar akulah yang didiidk kakak2ku dan pappie sangat sekali merasakan akan yang seperti ini sangat kehilangan

kangen cerewet mammie minta uang jajan bawaiin parfum sampe telpon berkali2 dan marah 2 kalo kit udah lama ngga datang dan kunjungin mammie (padahal baru di kunjungin tapi mammie sudah lupa )

terima kasih mam dan pap yang selalu mendidik kalo kit harus makan sebelum mengunjungin pestaa tau acara apa aja
supaya tidak kelaparan kalalu berkunjung..dan tak tersangka kadang lupa pendidikan kalau kita sudah berumah tangga untuk menyenangi hati suami...

Trima kasih mam dikarenankan anak kit yang cewek mukanya mirip sama kam mam kit selalu bersyukur pendidikan itu tak akan kit ubah keluarga adik kakak saling menyatangi dan kit aja udah jantung an dan naik darah dalam anak kit dua kalo mereka ada cekcok sedikit (apalagi mammie yg berjibunan anaknya salut sekali mam) , kebanyakan cewek lagi jadi tau aja sendiri ...tapi kit selalu ajarin mereka sayang satu sama lain jadi kakak dan adik dan tidak acuh mengacuh ..

trimakasih mam atas kepala batu untuk tidak menurut selalu kata suami kalo makan musti dibatasin ...
semua ada batasnya cuman Tuhan aja yang tahu kata mama

kit punya cultuur sendiri angga usah dibatasin soal makanan...nunggu sampe kit dan anak kit tau diri pulang udah malam

kit ngga usah selalu pamer pamer mam itu mam tau itu tiada ada artinya buat kit yang penting jangan angkuh mam ajarin dan tertutup mata buta dan merasa paling pinter di anak2nya mam....

semua anak mammie ada keahlian sendiri2 dan semua cantik sehat dan adalah yg paling penting adalah anak Tuhan...

Ik mis je mam zo ook mijn kinderen ...DFC kit puji Tuhan ada mereka ..patah hati tak ada obatnya tapi hanyalah berdoa dan berlutut di depanNYA..

dan kit tau anak2 mammie pada verwerken nya dengan cara mereka sendiri2
berarti mam echt n gemis!
Tapi kit tau mama sudah tenang disisiNYA..
\'Till We Meet Again

ik - Amsterdam
12 augustus 2011
condoleance 208  |  

Thank you for all the love you showered us....
The advices you gave us...
All the support you provided...
Still can\'t believe that you were gone forever....
Can\'t hear your voice anymore...Can\'t Skype with you anymore....
Can\'t feel your smell any longer...
Can\'t put on a make up on your face anymore...
or ....brush your fine hair.........
and put out your clothes for you to wear anymore....

But you have a better clothes now...
You have a better place to be...
You are happy up there now...
You are with HIM where you belong...
I am Happy that You are there now with HIM....

Missing you much...
Ozhie - Bali
11 augustus 2011
condoleance 207  |  
Mom, elke dag besef ik meer en meer hoeveel je van je kinderen houd...je leer ons onafhankelijk zijn als een vrouw...laatste jaren van je leven je mis je kinderen je huilde en zei je elke weer en weer dat je je kinderen miste...Ik mis je Mammie...
Bebek - Rawasri
11 augustus 2011
condoleance 206  |  
Tina Reiman
Dear Sylvana,
I am a member of Pastoral Care Committee at First Mennonite Church of San Francisco, and I just got word that your mother died. I don\'t know you well, but I do know, from personal experience, that sudden deaths are difficult to deal with. I am sending you and your family and other loved ones lots of love and wishes for healing as you begin the grieving process.

Tina - San Francisco, California
8 augustus 2011
condoleance 205  |  
Sheri-Pastor, First Mennonite Church of San Franci
Hello, Sylvana.
I am back from my three weeks away, and read the weekly emails about your mother\\\'s sudden death. How difficult this must be for you and your family. Would you like to get together? Or talk on the phone? Just let me know what you need.

In the meantime, I will hold you and your family in my prayers as your mourn the loss and also celebrate the life of your mother.

Pastor, First Mennonite Church of San Francisco
Sheri-Pastor, - San Francisco, California
8 augustus 2011
condoleance 204  |  
Mam, kit kangen sama mami..Ik miss je Mam.....

It still sad loosing you Mam. I am (or we are) still in grief and pain. It seems just like yesterday Mam that I was there beside you but yet it was exactly a month ago. Still remember how you were holding me, and I tried to sit on yours but I know I couldn\\\'t....so I was just hugging you in your room, made a joke together, cried together and prayed together. Kit ingat semua nasihat-nasihat mami hari itu, kit harus menjadi istri yang sabar, menerima kekurangan2 dari suami dan hidup rukun sebagai suami istri. Tidak lupa juga menjadi Ibu yang takut akan Tuhan, ibu yang sayang anak dan membimbingnya ke dalam rangkulan Tuhan. I would never forget our talks, our conversations and how happy and surprised when you saw us that day at Rumah Kita.

Mam, it doesn\\\'t feel like it\\\'s been that long. And it still hurts, but you are now where you belongs. No matter what happens, you are always be loved. You are up there somewhere with God, ya Mam... actually You are in His rightful place. I cry myself to sleep...but I know the depression I?ll have to defeat. Your love is what keeps me hanging on. Love is a strong word, because it\\\'s kept me alive..your smile, your jokes, your prayers, your requests which was demanding ...hahahaha...now I am laughing when I remembered that..how you love to shop
You were a fancy mam, you loved purple colour, you were a very colour-co-ordinated Lady when it comes to fashion..now I know where we, your children, got it from...

You know what, there are times when we as a human being did not notice all the signs given to us..Only HE knows the perfect time, when ....is the right time to be with HIM...I wouldn\\\'t say it is your time Mam...but it was God who chose you to be with HIM and sent HIS angels to picked you up from the world.

Life will not be the same anymore without you Mam..one minute you are there and now you are gone.
\\\"What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us.\\\"
You taught us about love, peace, joyful. Mom, you loved us from our first breath, held our hands through the years, guided us along the paths that our lives took, taught us that there is nothing we can\\\'t make it through to hold our faith and follow our hearts. You gave us all and asked nothing in return except to surrender fully to God.
Our trials and tribulations will remind us of how strong willed you were. You were not a quitter, you were a fighter and you never gave up until you got what you were fighting for. You were the strongest woman I ever know..

You gave us all the stepping stones in life to become the people we are today, and through it all you stood proud of us all. Your children, family meant everything in the world to you.

It will be hard on us to let you go physically, but we carry you with us each and everyday in our hearts and our thoughts. The sun rising will remind us of the warmth of your love. Flowers blooming will remind us of your love for life.

There\\\'s a part of you in each and every person that hears or reads this and we can all be so honored that you was a part of our lives. We will always love you mom, wife, grandmother and great grand mothers. We will carry you with us each day in our hearts. We will mourn our loss but rejoice that you are in a better place sitting with your mother, father, younger sister, your cousins, loved ones and not to forget Rumbayan Nelwan, awaiting our arrival one day.

But there is one more thing, that I have to say Mam...your love will go on and on, and you are always in my heart to stay.

Thank you Mam, for what you have had done for all of us..
Thank you Mam, for standing by me through thick and thin..Thank you for listening to me when I am down...
Thank you Mam for caring, for your patience, your support, your comfort, guidance, your faith..
Thank you Mam, for showing me how to strive and because of your love I am me now and survive..
Thank you for your prayers, your valuable advises..
Thank you for everything Mam...

Till we meet Mam...till we meet again at Jesus\\\' feet.
Ozhie - Bali
6 augustus 2011
condoleance 203  |  
Ceuceu Wyanna Barnas
Dear Mom Joyce,
Turut berduka yaa....
Ceuceu - Jakarta - Indonesia
6 augustus 2011
condoleance 202  |  
Chantana Reekers
31 juli
Chantana Reekers

Hello. And condolences

Hello hedy,
I understand you just buried your mother recently, and I want to wish you all my love and prayers to you and the family. For you, ridge and rowinza. I\'m sure she was an amazing grandmother to them and mother to you. I want you to know I love u with all my heart and have you in prayers. You are the most kind and loving person I know. I believe you are strong and have an angel by your side always through your mother.
Ik hou van jou
Chantana - Las Vegas
4 augustus 2011
condoleance 201  |  
Sylvia Menard Moningka
Saya sudah kembali dirumah tanggal 1/8 yl. Merci beaucoup utk foto kenangan di bandara Jkt.

Kenangan tentang upacara digerja untuk mengenang Tante Saar bagus sekali. juga ditempat peristirahatan ahir serta kebersamaan ditempat pertemuan sorenya sambil santab bersama

Terasa semua orang yang datng, mengingatkan kita akan seorang wanita, ibu yang penuh perhatian selalu perduli kepada anak2 dan saudara maupun teman, handai taulan yang penuh kehangatan dan selalu penuh humor. Terlihat juga dari cucu2nya yang bernyanyi dan merasa dia selalu ada.
Ellen dan Hans serta Charity dan lain2 tentu banyak yg lain tdkkelihatan telah memberi waktu dan bantuan serta tenaga yang nyata- begitu banyak menyiapkan supaya kepergiannya dan kenangan akan dia tetap berada di hati.
Keluarga, teman2nya dari jauh serta kenalan datang untuk memberikan penghormatan yang terahir.
Terasa sekali tante Saar selama hidupnya mempunyai hubungan baik serta kontak sosial yang kaya jadi banyak yg mencintai beliau semenjak muda sampai hari2 terahir di Rumah Kita, Wageningen.

Sayapun walaupun hanya sebagai keponanakan merasa dia seperti pengganti orangtua yang tidak saya miliki lagi selama di Eropa ini. Dia menempatkan diri dan memperlalukan saya seperti bagian dari keluarganya, terhadap Antoine, Shinta, Félicie , Amélia; merekapun menyimpan kenangan yang manis akan dia.
Untuk itu saya sangat berterima kasih atas segala upayanya dan usahanya mendekatkan kita satu sama lain generasi penerus.Kami berdoa untuk jiwanya.
Ephy, semoga jij tetap senantiasa merasakan kesejukan kasih yg beliau berikan, sementara ini kuatkan dan ikhlaskan kepergiannya, kuatkan hati dan bernyanyi seperti yg Mom senangi.
Peluk cium, sm
Sylvia - Avon France
4 augustus 2011
condoleance 100  |  
Grace Heleuza
Dear Sylvana,
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. My condolence to you and to your family. If you need my shoulder it will be there for you.

I prayed for your mom today at the Blessed Sacrament for those who passed away on this day and for your whole family on this time of need.

God bless you and your family. Your mom is walking with Jesus and he is taking her to her mansion up in heaven.

My warmest symphathy,
Grace - San Francisco, California
3 augustus 2011
condoleance 99  |  

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