Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Thami Khuzwayo

      On April 12, Thamsanqa Khuzwayo passed away from us. TK was the founder of Vibe Tours, a life educator, a OneMen-pioneer, but above all a beautiful soul and vibrant spirit. Even though he may have only reached the young age of 30, he has achieved much more in this world than many of us will ever do. He changed the lives of South Africans by educating them about the hardships of township life, the prevention of HIV & AIDS and social injustice. He inspired people everywhere by simply opening up his heart and showing the true South African spirit.

      To his family, friends and all who have their life touched by TK: let us forever remember his strength, his kindness, his smile and all he has done for us.

      TK, you will always be in our hearts.

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