Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Rudi Vaillant

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      • goed, beter, best Marlon Macville
        reactie 31   |   niet OK
        Het bericht dat oom Ruud overleden was, kreeg via mijn mijn vader, Erik Macville, te horen. Paar herinneringen kwamen gelijk sterk boven. Hoe ik als jong ventje van 8 of 9 jaar op verjaardagen bij de familie Vaillant op bezoek kwam. Het was meer lekker eten en buiten voor de flat spelen met Corrine. Later toen wij in 1978 in Den Haag kwamen wonen waren mijn broer Merryn en ik , 15 en 16 jaar. We werden met hulp van oom Ruud, lid van DKC. De overgang van een goede, kleine dorpsvereniging naar een club in een stad met grote ambitie was een enorm verschil. Daar speelde jeugd die stukken beter waren dan wij. Er werd daar in de jeugdafdeling op zaterdagen fanatiek getraind in het oude milva kamp in Kijkduin. Oom Ruud kwam af en toe 'toevallig' even langs om te kijken of de neefjes een beetje talent hadden. Naast het trainen en competitie spelen was ook de onderlinge gezelligheid wat ons aan de club bond. Ik heb tot mijn 22e bij DKC gespeeld en het al die jaren gecombineerd met het korfballen bij Ons Eibernest. Oom Ruud had een hoge standaard van sport beoefenen en volgens hem moet je dus beter en slimmer dan je tegenstander zijn. Nee, je moet de beste en de slimste zijn. Deze instelling heeft een kiem gelegd in mijn sportbeleving. Uiteindelijk kwam ik er achter dat je met hard trainen een heel eind komt , maar ontbrak het echte talent voor de top. Ik heb wel veel gekeken naar de toppers van de vereniging en Monique was in haar topjaren, één van hen.
        Daarnaast was ik in die tijd erg betrokken in de kerk en werd daar jeugdleider vanaf mijn 22e . Hier werden heel wat andere talenten aangeboord en werd het organiseren van Jeugdrally's , kampen en congressen hoogtepunten. In die tijd werd alles nog op video opgenomen. Oom Ruud had een voorliefde voor de laatste technische snufjes van opname apparatuur. Het beste en de duurste video camera en recorder had hij aangeschaft. Toen ik een videoband van een uitvoering/optreden van onze jeugdgroep had gekregen, wilde ik deze kopiëren. In die tijd waren er verschillende systemen en dus videorecorders in omloop. Betamax en VHS. Ik dacht aan oom Ruud die als één van de weinige deze dure recorders had. Ik trok mijn stoute schoenen aan en vroeg of hij mij wilde helpen om voor mij een kopie te maken. Hij vond het geweldig om zijn apparatuur te showen en over de technische mogelijkheden uit te wijden. Tot mijn verbazing en vreugde mocht ik zijn videorecorders lenen om kopieën te maken. Deze ontmoetingen die ik bij oom Ruud en tante Jos had, zijn mij dierbaar en heb ik als best ervaren.
        Lieve groet van Marlon Macville

        Marlon - Voorschoten
        12 juli 2021

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      • Memory
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        Wir trauern mit euch wegen des Verlustes eures Papas und Opas. Winfried Goy hat uns darüber informiert. Papa war ein freundlicher, engagierter Mensch und wir haben viele wunderbare Erinnerungen an die gemeinsamen Treffen der Badmintonvereine in den Niederlanden und Deutschland.
        Hanne und Ulli Pascheke

        Hanne - 18445 Preetz
        10 juli 2021

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      • Familie
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        Ik bewaar mooie herinneringen aan oom Ruud en tante Jos als ze met Monique en Corinne naar de verjaardagen van oom Paul en tante zus (ouders van oom Ruud) kwamen. Geeft me nog altijd een warm familiegevoel!

        Mando - Leiden
        5 juli 2021

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      • Remembrance
        reactie 28   |   niet OK

        I had the good fortune of having met Rudi and Jos. They took me to the Bronbeek Museum in Arnhem, where Rudi had contributed a memorial (see picture). They will most certainly live on in my memories.

        Eric - Florida, USA
        29 juni 2021

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        rudi vaillant and the macvilles
        as a young young boy rudi was not an easygoing kid,so his mum and dad farmed him out ocasionally,
        thats why he stayed with the macvilles for a couple of monthes,who toke him on a tour around java in
        1941.according to mrs macville:he was a sweet boy.

        rudi vaillant and frank macville.
        when the japs invaded indonesia,all adult males were in camps,my grand mother lived in a house on the outskirts of batavia(djakarta)on the struiswijk straat.it was a deadend street,the railroad across the street,the indonesiansbehind the deadend.grandma had all her daughters with her,with their children,grandpa still alive,as i remember walking on his back to ease his backache.i was the smallest of the grandchildren,and rudi payed a lot of attention to me,as almost every morning he would hide my breakfast plate,i would wake up, could find no breakfast and would start howling::rudi happy and my grandma scolding rudi to stop pestering that small child.but he also protective of me if the bigger boys
        tried their tricks on me.

        how rudi came into the hands of the japanese i do not know,but just before their capitulation rudi was in their jail,starved him so bad their his mother only recognised him,coming out of jail,because he called her mother!!very soon after rudi was driving a truck,employed by the dutch army.he also had lodgings in the djokja baracks,lucky for us.when my dad came out of prisoncamp,the head of the indonesion village warned him to leave the struiswijkstraat,as the indonesians were going to hit that street.so our family moved into djokja barracks,and very soon after the struiswijkstraat was hit and any dutch people on it were killed!!

        when the situation normalised,dutch people were getting on boats,on the way to the netherlands,so did rudi and the vaillant family and my grandmother.they started living in leiden in the witte rozen straat.

        when my family returned to the netherlands in 1953,they where still living there,rudi was an adult,almost married to jos::and he drove a scooter;;the lambretta.for some reason,i joined him when he was playing :”handball”rudi played for a top team out of leiden,when they played in the hague he would drive to my house,pick we up and would accompany him watching his games.hand ball then was a fieldsport,only during the winter they played indoors,and i was with him whereever he played.i know he also played badminton,but i saw little of that.
        also on that lambretta he made a trip with jos to he north of italy,crossing the mountains,if there where tunnels they did not used them.

        as you can read from the above,rudi was my hero,and still is my hero,and it saddens me that he passed away.i love you big man.

        Frank - Startenhuizen
        28 juni 2021

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        Dear audiance,and more specialdear family.
        1.0 It costs me a lot of effort to say farewell to my cousin Rudi to whom i owe much for his concern and care given to my mother during the second world war and to my sons when we moved to Den Haag . By his personal interference my kids got a membership of DKC although it had a memberstop.
        Due to the family request i would like to memorize some of very important events in the life of the deceased.
        1.1 His parents were married more than 2 years when Rudi was born on the 16th of August 1928 in Batavia, former Dutch Indies. In his mother’s family he was the first grandchild. He got a lot of attention from his mother’s three unmarried sisters , one of which was my mother. He got spoilt by them in the large greatparental house with several pavilions apart from the mainbuilding. Rudi spent his younger years here , except from 1 year in Pekalongan in the house of a brother of his mother’s, some months at ours in Bandung and periods in den haag Holland, when his father was on leave. He was sent to the christian primary school Salemba ,at the Oranje boulevard. On 29 july 1932 a baby sister Guus was born and on 9 december 1936 another: Ireen.
        1.2 In january 1939 preamble to Chinese new year he walked with firework in his HANSOP= a one pieced cloth with a pocket on the belly. The fireworks ignited in this pocket that caused him much misery and pain. A big scarf reminded him of this accident.
        1.3 More impact was caused by the japanese occupation, march 1942. His father was brought to an unknown destination, which turned out to have been the Birma railway in Siam/Thailand. Rudi was destined to fill his place during more than 3 years. Dutch schools were forbidden and so his secondary school education was interrupted while in grade 8. In september 1944, a year before the japanese capitulation Dutch boys of his age were ordered to sign collaboration with the Japanese and the Indonesians. For Rudi impossible since his dad was transported as a prison convict by the Japanese. Therefore he was imprisoned in the Glodok jail. The regime was cruel and hard,with little food, many punishments and infectious deseases. Rudi balanced on the edge of death. In the coffee room you will find more information.j
        1.4 15 August 1945 Japan capitulated and on the 27th the boys were free to go home.. But the misery did not end. It got a continuation with the independence war of Indonesia.
        The mansion where he grew up was totally destroyed , the fruit trees cut down and the waterwell filled up. Grandma, mother and sisters had to flee, together with 3 orphanised cousins who were just freed from a japanese camp. They got help from the Indonesian neighbour next door who had cut an opening in the mutual hedge.
        1.5 after the family was reunited, his father decided that Rudi had to continue high school in Nederland. So he moved out his country of birth forever, during the winter of 46/47. On this highschool he met Jos Engelken, his unforgettable wife for more than 60 years.
        1.6 My gratitude, deep respect and love my oldest cousin showed me , i want to be shared with her. May her eternal rest and peace become his as well.
        1.7 As a special tribute to Rudi and the people that gave him his rich and beautiful life I would like to pray the Lord’s Prayer . I invite you all to join me if you like in your own language.
        1.8 “Onze Vader in de hemel , uw naam worde geheiligd, uw koninkrijk kome, uw wil geschiede in de hemel alzo ook op aarde. Geef ons heden ons dagelijks brood, en vergeef ons onze schulden, gelijk ook wij vergeven onze schuldenaren. Leid ons niet in verzoeking, maar verlos ons van de boze. Want van U is het koninkrijk en de kracht en de heerlijkheid tot in eeuwigheid. Amen.”

        Erik - Den Haag
        27 juni 2021

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        In Memory of Ruud Vaillant, the sportsman, the Sport Manager a borne Leader. 24-06-2021

        His talent for sports , he probably inherited from his father Paul, your (great) grand Father.
        A famous football player in the Top Division of Indonesia when it was still part of the Dutch Kingdom.
        In Ruuds “ High School Time” his sport was “Handball” ; in that time it was played outside
        on a court bigger then at present in a sportshall and with more players in a team.
        The club , Operatie 55, played in one of the top divisions.
        Around 1956 he joined a club of the PTT , the Postal Service , who sponsored by the several actifities of the personal like “active walking ” and Badminton.
        When in the “mid- sixties” Management of PTT stopt the sponsering; the group playing Badminton
        kept the name “Kortenaer” , but needed an “own management” without the “working strings”
        with the PTT.
        Ruud Vaillant was elected as the Chairman of the club, only 40 members , but they played in the
        Top Division of the Dutch National Federation !! ; with 2 teams and Ruud played in one of thise teams. For such a small club it is difficult to keep the “top levell” ; not much changes for continued succes. He understand that clubs needed to join forces, cooperate and /or even merge and took action ! In 1969 Kortenaer merged with club DES , not playing in the top but with a lot of talented youngsters. Being a bigger club they could rent more hours in a bigger sportshall
        That is also the year when i joined DKC, the new name of the club: Des Kortenaer Combinatie
        Since the Vaillant Family Tree is so wide spreaded with many branches, i did not knew Ruud personnally; the family name was familiar !
        Learning the name of our chairman , i asked him one day if there was a possible relationship.
        Smiling, he explained me the tree: his father Paul is a younger brother of my grandmother Netty.
        Yes he was a family man too , knowing the Family Tree well and had in mind to organize one day a Vaillant Family Reunion , to give all Familie members the change to meet each other !
        But cousin Franc had the same idea , made research and created the Vaillant Tree starteing with the 13 brothers and sisters as my grandmother Netty, your uncle Paul, your (great) grand father.
        The reunion was organized by Franc with some of other cousins in 1988, as i recall correctly ?

        After a couple of month of membership of DKC, Ruud invited me the enter the Board of the club.
        DKC was then a very conservative and strict managed club, so i doubted ,being 24 pf years joinimg a Board with “ elderly members of 45+ and 50+ years old” ; i still do not regret having said “YES”
        I learned a lot during that time: making the monthly newspaper, become Treasurer and Secretary.
        The discussions in Board meetings were sometimes very intense ! Ruud demanded always the best results and garded the expressions as “a promise is a promise; do what you have promissed”
        He learned me to act and say always what you think and do what you judge as the best thing to do !
        No fear of other opinion, you always will have a part who agrees and a part who disagrees !!
        So you better give your opion as what you think is the best; the easiest to communicate and defend !
        For the club it is needed to devellop a good organized “youth division”, with more training in the several levell of talent by qualified trainers ; a costing plan . So the club needs more income;
        The membersship contribution will be too little to bare this all; so surch for extra money sourses
        To promote a better coherence it is needed to have /create a “club home” ; it will stimulate the club loyalty. He was the promotor of the yearly matches against the German club Wetzlar, one year held in Wetzlar/Germant and the next year they came over to us for a long weekend staying privately by club members.Also he organized, in early 70’ties a trip with some members to Indonesia, some of them are also here today to honour him.

        In that time he was still a fanatic player himself; in team 2 in the 2nd Division playing with partners in the 20th ! His favourite partner in men’s double was Francis Oey who could cope with
        his fanatism in the game, Francis and partner Floor became private dear friends and still are

        He was also one of the trainers of the selection group. Out of own experience i can confirm that he was not so easy for the players; only 100% effort is good enough. Once with intence training of smashing and hitting the return ball, i probably by eating the wrong thing prior to the training, i needed to throw up and run to the toilet to empty my stomage. When i came back , he looked at me and said : your time is not over yet, so let’s finish; so i needed to run and smash, with now an empty stomage. The road to success is mostly not good paved on a smooth flat surface !

        Howard - Naaldwijk
        27 juni 2021

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        At the end of the “seventies” the board slowly re-newed; the elderly stopped and more youngsters joined the board. After more then 15 years of leading the club , Ruud decided to re-sign.
        Now the younger ones needed to take over all the responsibilities and came to me to take over the leadership, which I accepted since I beleived in the goals Ruud had in mind :
        Look for an own Club Home, start a better training plan for the youngest under qualified trainers, rental of more hours and look for a Club House. This all should lead the club to grow to a stable and strong player in the Dutch Top Division . Ruud’s Vision became our/my Mission !!

        A few years later in, our network activities became successfull ; the city of the Hague planned to built an new sportshall with no outside commercial Canteens, but with 3 separate Canteens, exploited by 3 clubs from different “inside sports” > Volleyball, Basketball and Badminton !
        DKC was chosen to as the badminton representative: Step one of our Mission was there to take !
        Step 2 was a logical step : Rental of more hours meaning much ore training time fort he young kids
        As from 6 years old and better training staff for the younger and older ones, The extra money was guaranteed by the income of the canteen. So the younth section could grow !
        Slowly the levell of our players grew : of course there were no champions in the first 10 years
        It took time to grow from potential talent to champion, but the total levell of the club steadily grew
        But after that time the newer genaration of talent grew to the top of the Dutch levell
        Most of our present top players are ( Grand) Childeren of DKC members of our generation.
        row Now for the last 8 years DKC ends in the Dutch TOP DIVISION in the top 5 Ranking; 2x 2nd and in 2015 we were National Champion ! The Dutch National Champion, Mark Caljouw for 4x in the is a DKC member who started with us from his 8 or 9 th age !! Now at the World Ranking list he is seeded on place 22 > What gave him the right to participate at the coming Olympics at Tokyo.
        The Dutch Federation will send 4 players to the Olympics ; 2 ladies and 2 men. The other men is also member of our club , but did not grew up with us. He joined to compete in a strong team.
        ít is a pitty that the participation to the Olympics of members of DKC club , could not meet the knowledge of Ruud anymore. During all the years he stayed proud of the club and saved the memory
        Corinne & Monique found a big box wit hall kind of DKC magazines ,pictures & articles, as collected all over the years !

        After his resignation as chairman of DKC, Ruud was invited to become President of The Badminton Federation for District of South Holland. He did the job for a couple of years, trying ti uplift the quality of players and clubs in our province. I am not sure that was realy satisfying ; you are a desk manager with hardly contact tot he players,

        DKC he will remember him as one of the basic builders of a good foundation to ensure that the club is able to stay competative in the TOP National Badminton Division.
        The Club shall always be reminded to him; he is the creator of the DKC logo as marked on all
        The paperwork of the club.

        On behalf of the club , i thank you for this all
        Also my personal “Thanks” for our cooperation during many years, not so much as family but more
        as collegues in the Board ; i learned a lot and it helped me also in my business carreer.

        Howard van Muijen

        Howard - Naaldwijkl
        27 juni 2021

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        Selamat Jalan
        Mijn lieve Oom Ruud op weg naar uw lieve vrouw Josje.
        Wat zullen wijj ullie hier missen.
        Er blijven mooie herinneringen aan jullie.
        U blijft altijd in mijn hart.

        Piet en Rose - Leiderdorp
        27 juni 2021

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      • Oom Ruud
        reactie 21   |   niet OK
        “Oom Ruud & Tante Jos” zoals ik hen noemde na de “meneer en mevrouw” periode leerde ik pas op iets latere leeftijd beter kennen. De eerste kennismaking was in de periode Sporthal Steenwijklaan in Den Haag waar Oom Ruud met ZIJN DKC badminton speelde. Daar leerde ik ook Monique kennen; een echte blikvanger natuurlijk. En ja, ook wij (een vriendje van en ik) hadden toen een heilig ontzag voor die man met zijn norse blik.
        Pas naderhand leerde ik Pa en Ma Vaillant beter kennen en ontdekte ik ook dat achter die norse blik een man met een behoorlijke dosis humor en charme schuil ging. Zeker naar mijn toenmalige vriendin Stella….. Pa en Ma hebben ooit getracht ons de regels van het nobele Bridge te leren. En ja….ook in die leerfase (die maar 3 keer heeft geduurd) bleek achteraf al de winnaarsmentaliteit van Oom Ruud. Hij schatte in dat Stella het spel sneller door zou krijgen dan ik en hij zorgde er dus voor dat zij een koppel vormden. Lekker dan!! Ma, de geduldige vrouw moest het met mij stellen.
        Sudah, so be it.
        Ook later in het tennis als Pa en Ma tegen ons speelden hebben we van de situaties op de baan van ze genoten; ook daar kwam zijn natuurlijke fanatisme tot uiting zullen we maar zeggen. En daarna gewoon gezellig aan een drankje op het terras.
        Hij kon ook goed vertellen. Zoals over het moment dat zij vanaf de boot uit Indonesië de koude Nederlandse wateren in voeren gekleed in hun tropenkleding, totaal onvoorbereid op de winterse omstandigheden hier. Dat zij van, ik meen het Rode Kruis warme kleding kregen i.p.v. singlet en korte broek! En….dat zij begin jaren 50 denk ik met z’n tweeën op de scooter op vakantie naar Italië gingen. Ondernemend waren ze wel.

        Monique, Corinne, Melissa, Melvin& Nikki, Aurélie en Bruce,
        ik wens jullie kracht en troost en steun van en aan elkaar.

        Ferry Loewenbroek

        Ferry - Zoetermeer
        26 juni 2021

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