Tips over condoleren of herinneringen delen?
I have a small repertoire of memories of Robbert, as I met him in 2019. One of these memories is precisely when I met him and I returned home telling to my husband:
– You should definitely meet this guy. He is so nice, so easy to talk with, and so funny with the kids. He is the perfect couple for Nastya, who is just as nice, funny, and clever as him.
I also have the memory of Robbert playing in the pool with the kids and making funny faces and noises for them to laugh at. I remember he always seemed to be informed about Ecuador and was always interested in hearing about my country.
But the nicest memory I have is when I baked him some cookies. One good day, I was telling Nastya that I should bake her something to thank her for all the nice things she did for me. She was in the middle of saying that I didn’t need to worry about it when Robbert jumped in, and in this casual, funny, and sincere style of him, said:
– Then, bake some cookies!
– Of course! Any specification? I said chuckling, while Nastya was shaking her head still trying to explain I didn’t need to bake anything.
– Yes! I like those butter cookies that are very fragile, you know?
– Sure!, I said. Those that crumble when you bite them?
– Yes, exactly!
– Got it! I said
– Deal!, he added, and at this point, we were all laughing at this funny and silly moment that he had created.
Weeks later, I baked a big batch of crumbly cookies, I put them in a bag and labeled them: “Robbert’s cookies”. After that, I received this silly photo to show that my cookies had been well accepted.
Now, I know that every time I bake butter crumbly cookies again I will always remember him. And when that happens, I will be happy of keeping this one sweet memory of him. As having heard once a beautiful concert and being fortunate enough of keeping at least one song to play in your head over and over again.
Chère Nastia,
Nous gardons en mémoire de super moments passés ensemble, de Doué la Fontaine à Annecy... comme en témoigne ces belles émotions sur nos visages lors de cette journée passée à Annecy.
Nous partageons ton chagrin et pensons fortement à toi dans ce moment difficile.
Nous transmettons nos sincères condoléances à ta famille et à celle de Robbert.
Nous t'embrassons très affectueusement.
Nous sommes là si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit.
Lyuda, François et les chats
Laat nabestaanden weten dat u aan hen denkt
Plaats een reactieDe mooiste herinneringen zijn vaak eenvoudige momenten waar je het eerst aan denkt. Condoleances zijn vaak de woorden die als eerste in je opkomen om verdriet te delen.
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