Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Philip Hubert Ter Woort


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      • reactie 32

        Er is een reactie aan de nabestaanden achtergelaten door:

        Gilbert - Den Haag

        4 november 2023

      • Adieu Adelaar
        reactie 31   |   niet OK

        40 Years ago I saw a picture of Philip in a bikers magazine: he was sitting on a big motorbike on the way to Africa. Adventure was in the blood.
        A year later we met in Amsterdam and became friends, spent a year in the I.S.S.A of ASC/AVSV, lived in an 2-person apartment at the Zeedijk with 3 persons.
        Tom, Philip and me still held regular Zeedijk resident meetings, preferably not in Holland.
        We wasted many hours on important nonsense. Turned nights into days and vice versa. He was great in lunatic idea’s. Life was a joy.
        Apart from that we also remember him as a diligent worker in what he did, and an appreciated colleague in his working environment.
        A tall man with an adventurous and loyal heart. He was proud of his girls.
        We were going to ride bike in India in November. In spirit we ride together.
        Hans Go

        Hans - Bilthoven
        1 november 2023

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      • FRIESLAND 1963: Marian Ronald en Philip
        reactie 30   |   niet OK

        Lieve Philip,
        wij kenden elkaar al langer dan 60 jaar.
        Op deze foto was ons neefje Philip(je) twee jaar oud, mijn broer en ik, één en drie.
        Op 28 april 2023 ontmoetten wij elkaar voor de laatste keer in Friesland. Ik had de tomatensoep gemaakt waar jij zo dol op was.
        En we luisterden naar jouw avonturen en praatten over je plannen en namen uiteindelijk afscheid.
        “Tot de volgende keer”
        Maar die dag komt niet meer.

        Je nicht Marian Koehoorn-van der Wal

        Marian - Franeker
        30 oktober 2023

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      • Dear Phili,
        reactie 29   |   niet OK
        What a great guy you have been. We met almost 50 years ago at high school, and we stayed in contact till just 2 days before your death. Too short of course but what a fantastic life you have lived. I have always greatly enjoyed all my contacts with you and wish I had visited you in either Mongolia or Jordan. You are one of the most inspiring persons I have ever met. Always an adventure to share, always humorous, enthusiastic and interested. I already miss you, miss the feeling that you are still around. And how I wish we could have continued sharing thoughts, views on life, a beer and a laugh.
        I will always remember you, and stay inspired by you.
        I wish your daughters, your mother and all your loved ones strength,
        Farewell my friend, Rob de Jonge

        Rob - Bussum
        22 oktober 2023

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      • No challenge big enough/no fear at all
        reactie 28   |   niet OK

        I have known Philip for 40 years. We studied together, we were in AIESEC Amsterdam together and we both were best man at our first weddings. For the second wedding we both took a new crew (out of superstition). We kept in touch throughout the years. My visit to Moscow was awesome. I have lost an old friend who was a person of great integrity, energetic and not afraid of anything and anyone. Rest In peace my great friend.
        Robert Sinke

        Robert - Baarn
        22 oktober 2023

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      • Such fond memories amidst the sadness
        reactie 27   |   niet OK
        I had the pleasure of meeting Philip as an AIESEC trainee arriving in Amsterdam 40 years ago this past July. He and Paul van Schaik met me at Schipol holding a sign that said "Hi Christy, how's life" AIESEC. With that I knew my traineeship was off to a good start. What I didn't know was that that same day I would be joining a small team of folks moving Philip from his apartment (where we still had a bit of packing to do) to a room on the top floor of a tall house on one of the warmest summer days possible, climbing up and down stairs as is natural in Amsterdam (thankfully cold beer is never far away in that city). It couldn't have been a better intro to city and was a great way to fight jetlag. Among other notable memories involving Philip was the time that he and Paul stole a bike for me (and future AIESEC trainees) ... I wanted to buy one but Philip shared that he'd had his bike stolen twice in a short span of time and that while it was against his better principles he and Paul were heading out to get him a bike and suggested that they might as well get one for me. And they did! Over the years I have mostly kept up with Philip through Paul. To Philip's family and closest friends.... my deeepest sympathy and condolences. Let's honor his memory by all living life just a little bit more like Philip - with vibrance, spontaneity, and curiousity. Peace Philip.

        Christy - United States
        21 oktober 2023

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      • A Gentle Giant
        reactie 26   |   niet OK
        Flipse, you will be dearly missed. Farewell my friend.

        Reynold - Johannesburg
        21 oktober 2023

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      • So long!
        reactie 25   |   niet OK

        Hi Philip, how’s life? This has become our way of greeting each other of which the roots stem back 40 years ago. No longer will I get an answer from you on this question. I was silenced when informed about your tragic accident.
        You, always full of humorous and adventurous stories, good company to be with and curious for the next adventure around the bend, whether in your professional or personal life. You lived to the fullest and shared your stories. You have touched a lot of lives.
        Thinking of you, following comes up: fun, enthusiastic, open, spontaneous, curious, interested, international, AIESEC, Budapest, energy, adventurer, ‘bon vivant’, respectful, freedom, a good friend and, not least father of Saskia and Maaike. You were so proud of them.
        An adventurer has left us.
        To the family, I wish you strength to cope with this great, unexpected loss. May warm memories fill the emptiness left by Philip.

        Paul - Auzas
        20 oktober 2023

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      • Voor Saskia
        reactie 24   |   niet OK

        Roelof - Amsterdam
        19 oktober 2023

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      • A giant in all aspects
        reactie 23   |   niet OK

        Grote Kuk,

        Friends from early high-school days
        Similar yet different in many ways.
        You were always the tallest
        While I was usually the smallest
        Yet on or off the field
        We understood each other perfectly.
        For close to 50 years
        We met in the most unlikely places.
        Your yearning for the next adventure
        only matched by your desire
        to stay connected to your friends.

        Farewell, dear friend
        Kleine Kuk

        Maarten - Singapore
        19 oktober 2023

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