Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Liudmila Cernova

      In loving memory of Liudmila Cernova

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      • Liudmilos atminimui
        reactie 10   |   niet OK
        Rodos viskas gyvenime miršta...
        Ir berželiai, ir gluosniai žali...
        Tik niekad, oi niekad nemiršta...
        Atminimai širdy palikti...
        Ala Guzova

        Ala - Vilnius
        8 september 2017

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      • Mielos kolegės Liudmilos atminimui
        reactie 9   |   niet OK
        Mirtis – tai slenkstis, bet ne pabaiga,
        Brangiausi žmonės eina ir palieka
        Tačiau nuo jų nusidriekia šviesa,
        Ir atminty gyvi išlieka...
        Nors Ji išėjo, tačiau mes niekada nepamiršime tos šiltos Jos šypsenos veide, begalinio optimizmo ir paprasto nuoširdaus draugiškumo.
        Nuoširdžiausius užuojautos žodžius skiriame jos šeimai, artimiesiems ir ypatingos stiprybės Liudmilos mamai.
        Dana Hermanaciciene

        Dana - Ukmerge
        7 september 2017

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        Please accept my condolences with the loss of Liudmila
        I heard about your loss and would like to extend my condolences.
        I wish to extend my deepest sympathies with you and your family.

        Ton - Tiel
        7 september 2017

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      • my condolence
        reactie 7   |   niet OK
        Dear family and friends,
        what a big loss for you. we worked from a distance many years together , but only last year on the christmas party we meet. We had a lovely time.
        I am sure you will miss this wonderfull women.
        wish you all the strength.

        best wishes
        Vera Verhoeven
        Grosso moda/ Cum Laudy

        vera - netherlands
        6 september 2017

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      • In honour of Liudmila Cernova
        reactie 6   |   niet OK
        Dear Liudmila

        you have been fighting many times , usually for other people.
        You have been fighting for us, setting a succes full example in loyalty, responsibility , leadership and skills

        You were positive, ready to go back to Amatel, but
        then suddenly, your ultimate fight, for yourself , you did not win.
        It is not fair !

        We will remind you , being proud , not forgetting you!
        I am sure our memories about you will keep on inspiring all of us , always to keep on fighting, not to complain and to stay positive.

        R.I.P. Liudmila.

        Guus Backelandt

        Guus - Maasland
        6 september 2017

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        Dear family and friends of Ludmila,
        My sincere condolences for the passing of Ludmila and wish you
        all the strength and support in processing this unbelievable lost.
        I will always remember Ludmila as a beautiful, strong and professional
        women and will never forget her.

        Anneke Kattenbeld
        Grosso Moda Netherlands

        Anneke - Arnhem
        5 september 2017

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      • condoleances
        reactie 4   |   niet OK
        Dear family and friends of Liudmila,
        First of all my sincere condoleances for your loss.
        I have met Liudmila once, and this is already some time ago,
        but what I remember is the strength and profesionality, and the warmth of her personality.
        Having to say goodbye to someone you loved is never easy,
        especially not after the long and brave fight she took against that terrible disease.
        I hope you can find support at eachother, and that you remember and talk about the nice moments you had with each other,
        Stay Strong,
        Jelle Van Laer
        Grosso Moda Netherlands

        Jelle - Belgie
        5 september 2017

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        reactie 3   |   niet OK
        My thoughts and prayers are with you and you entire family ... I'm so sorry with your loss

        Fatma - Doorn
        5 september 2017

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        reactie 2   |   niet OK
        You will always stay in our hearts

        Lars - maasland, netherlands
        5 september 2017

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        My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends. Stay strong in these tough times.

        Mark -
        5 september 2017

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