Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Jean-Paul van Assche


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      • Goodbye Jean-Paul
        reactie 33   |   niet OK
        I am deeply saddened by the news of this loss. Within the past year of working together I have come to truly appreciate Jean-Paul‘s kindness and integrity. He didn’t need much words to say what was important. I offer my deepest condolences to his family, colleagues and loved ones.
        Jean-Paul, I will miss you very much.


        Meinhard - Germany
        25 augustus 2023

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      • Een vriendelijke glimlach met geduldig enthousiasme
        reactie 32   |   niet OK
        Beste familie en vrienden van Jean-Paul,
        Gecondoleerd met het verlies van Jean-Paul. Ik kwam Jean-Paul enkele keren per jaar tegen vanuit zijn werk bij RDI. Ik herinner me hem als een bijzonder vriendelijke man, die altijd vol geduld en met een grote glimlach de tijd nam om je uit te leggen hoe de RED of EMC regulering in elkaar stak. Een stukje regelgeving waar hij echt met enthousiasme over kon vertellen, terwijl hij tegelijkertijd rust uitstraalde. Ik vond het altijd erg prettig om Jean-Paul te ontmoeten.
        Veel sterkte met het verwerken van dit gemis.
        Marloes (KPN)

        Marloes - Leidschendam
        25 augustus 2023

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      • Persoonlijke reactie...
        reactie 31   |   niet OK
        My dear Jean-Paul,

        You embodied natural politeness, grace, and consideration like few others I have encountered.
        I still remember fondly our unexpected encounter in Luxembourg after a standardization session. We got to spent time together and talked about life. I remember how passionate you talked about work and how you considered it as a service to others.
        I feel lucky that I had the previlege to connect with you at a more personal level. Yet, I feel very sad that we will lose your familiar presence at our meetings and your thoughtful, caring and so well spoken contributions. You will definetely be missed and your absence will be felt.
        My thoughts extend to your families and friends during this difficult time.

        Wishin you a peaceful journey,

        Larnaca, Cyprus

        Maria - Cyprus
        24 augustus 2023

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      • Vaarwel - Good Bye Jean-Paul
        reactie 30   |   niet OK
        Fijne herinneringen aan Jean-Paul als collega in standardizatiewerk bij CEN/Cenelec JTC13. We zullen hem hard missen als expert, maar vooral als mens. Al te vroeg van zijn dierbaren en ons, collega's heengegaan.
        We will remember Jean-Paul for being both a talented cybersecurity standardisation expert and a warm person. Condolences to his beloved ones.

        Hendrik - België
        24 augustus 2023

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      • A great loss
        reactie 29   |   niet OK
        I am shocked and deeply sad about this message and big loss.
        It was a privilege to work with him and a pleasure to talk to him.
        My deepest condolences to his family, colleagues and friends.

        Rest in Peace Jean-Paul, you will be remembered

        Markus - Koeln
        24 augustus 2023

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      • A great loss
        reactie 28   |   niet OK
        My profound condolences to his family and friends. It was always a pleasure to talk and discuss with Jean-Paul during our standardization activities. Jean-Paul, you will be missed!

        Ruhe in Frieden

        Kai - Munich
        24 augustus 2023

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      • Remembering Jean-Paul
        reactie 27   |   niet OK
        I am deeply saddened to hear the news of Jean-Paul’s passing. We worked together in raising cybersecurity levels for consumers and I will always remember his dedication and professionalism.
        I am thinking of his family during this difficult time.

        Chiara - BE
        24 augustus 2023

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      • An excellent person
        reactie 25   |   niet OK
        I had the pleasure and privilege of working with Jean-Paul, albeit for too short a time. I'll remember him as an excellent person and professional.
        My most sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family.

        Stefano - MILANO
        24 augustus 2023

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      • A lovely person
        reactie 26   |   niet OK
        Sad but grateful to have met Jean-Paul in various workshops.
        Rest in Peace.

        Lola - Spain
        24 augustus 2023

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      • A great loss..
        reactie 24   |   niet OK
        His loss shocked all of us, colleagues who worked alongside him at the RED experts group. An excellent interlocutor, a sweet person, a great man we will miss.
        My deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.
        May he rest in peace.

        Nicosia - Cyprus

        Constantinos - Cyprus
        24 augustus 2023

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