Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Jaason von Bannisseht

      Wil je een mooie herinnering aan onze lieve Jaason achterlaten?

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      • Joyful Jason
        reactie 15   |   niet OK

        I love listening to these happy voices! Even during childhood summer vacations you would break out into song and were so proud of all the Dutch you knew. Love this memory of you, Jason. Makes my heart happy to know you and Oma can be singing together in heaven.

        Monique - Corona, California
        7 juni 2024

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      • 'Uncle Jaa-Jaa' with his niece Sophia
        reactie 14   |   niet OK

        Andrew - UK
        6 juni 2024

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      • Jaason's Smile
        reactie 13   |   niet OK

        We were so heartbroken to hear about Jaason's passing last Saturday. He was such a kind and happy man, with a smile that could light up a room. He truly loved life, and it showed in everything he did.

        We have so many lovely memories of Jaason, especially the time when he belted out every song on the karaoke machine one Christmas. He also enjoyed a special family trifle and a British Chinese takeaway at ours on every visit! Looking through our photos, I couldn't find a single one where he wasn't smiling. I've attached a picture of Jaason with his Niece's, who adored him, his huge grin says it all.

        Jaason will be deeply missed by everyone who knew him. He had such a positive impact on all our lives.

        Love always, rest in peace.
        Andrew, Amy, Emily & Sophia xxx

        Andre - United Kingdom
        6 juni 2024

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      • Jij was zo bijzonder
        reactie 12   |   niet OK
        Als ik aan Jaason denk, dan denk ik aan een prachtig mens. Iemand waarvan je enkel kan houden. Jaason met de aanstekelijke lach, Jaason met de mooie ideeën, Jaason die bruist van creativiteit en liefde voor iedereen. Ik ben zo dankbaar dat hij er was voor mij en voor iedereen die het geluk heeft gehad hem te mogen kennen.

        Saskia - Jette
        6 juni 2024

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      • Jason and Derek on a biking trip in the forest.
        reactie 11   |   niet OK

        Hermes - Lynnwood, Washington, USA
        5 juni 2024

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      • Jason in a bike race with Derek!
        reactie 10   |   niet OK

        Hermes - Lynnwood, Washington, USA
        5 juni 2024

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      • Jason and Derek busy with a woodworking project with Ray Hermes
        reactie 9   |   niet OK

        Hermes - Lynnwood, Washington, USA
        5 juni 2024

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      • Jason on a biking excursion with Ann Hermes
        reactie 8   |   niet OK

        Hermes - Lynnwood, Washington, USA
        5 juni 2024

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      • Jason with his brother, Derek
        reactie 7   |   niet OK

        Hermes - Lynnwood, Washington, USA
        5 juni 2024

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      • In Loving Memory of Jason
        reactie 6   |   niet OK
        We knew Jason from the day he was born. One of our greatest joys was to see Jason grow up and become a loving grandson to his Oma and Opa Hermes, who always covered Jason with their prayers. We will never forget his big smile and the love he had for all those he came in contact with. Jason was raised in a Godly home and was surrounded by those who serve Christ as he grew up. His belief in God has carried him into the loving arms of Jesus. May the love and comfort of God be made very real in each of Jason’s family and friends. We will miss him dearly. Ann and Ray Hermes

        Ray and Ann - Lynnwood, Washington, The United States of America
        5 juni 2024

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