Overlijdensbericht en herinneringsplaats van

Jaason von Bannisseht

      Wil je een mooie herinnering aan onze lieve Jaason achterlaten?

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      • Gone to soon
        reactie 25   |   niet OK
        The Jaason I knew in his pre-cancer days was a gentle, carefree but caring soul. But falling sick brought out his tough core and his inner survivor. Getting cancer at such a young age was devastating but he managed to adapt and find peace in his new situation. He spent most of his adult life keeping that monster at bay by countering its ugliness with beauty, and seeking and finding love.

        We had reached a point where we hoped he had defeated illness once and for all, and he would make it to a ripe old age. Alas, that was not to be the case. And when we learned about Jaason's passing away, we were shocked. Unfortunately, geographical distance had meant that we hadn't seen him in quite some time. Now we never will again.

        Our hearts go out to Rob at this painful, sad time. I hope all the beautiful memories you made together will give you some light to illuminate the darkness.

        Khaled - Gent
        7 juni 2024

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      • Rob pushing Jaas in the wheelchair
        reactie 24   |   niet OK

        This photo they were going To the doctor and Jaas called it “the walk and roll.” Rob does the walking and he did the rolling.
        It was a pretty steep hill so Rob looks exhausted from pushing him and Jaas maybe smirking a bit since he wasn’t the one having to push the wheelchair. 😂

        Rob thank you for taking such good care of Jaas! 🤍

        Stephanie - Scottsdale AZ
        7 juni 2024

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      • Jaason + Oma
        reactie 23   |   niet OK

        Stephanie - Scottsdale AZ
        7 juni 2024

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      • Funny Conversations
        reactie 22   |   niet OK

        Jaas!! I’m sitting here re reading our messages over the last few years and crying and laughing at the same time! You were so special to me, still are and I’ll see you again one day.

        Your big beautiful smile, your laugh! How we would play news anchors in your room and Derek would come in and make fun of us for doing it. 😂😂 your impersonation of Oma Ria’s telephone recording. How spit would come out of your mouth when you did it 😂
        Watching Golden Girls together. The list goes on! I love you my Trader Joe’s pop tart, Pepperidge
        Farm goldfish loving cousin!!


        Stephanie - Scottsdale AZ
        7 juni 2024

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      • Foto
        reactie 21   |   niet OK

        Stephanie - Scottsdale AZ
        7 juni 2024

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      • People have no fear, the Dutch-Indos are here!
        reactie 20   |   niet OK

        Eduardo and Gladys - Lake Elsinore, California
        7 juni 2024

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      • The many moods of the Gabriel gang...
        reactie 19   |   niet OK

        Eduardo and Gladys - Lake Elsinore, California
        7 juni 2024

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      • My first nephew - Jason in 1980
        reactie 18   |   niet OK

        You had plenty of love and hugs. Our first little grandchild and nephew!

        Eduardo and Gladys - Lake Elsinore, California
        7 juni 2024

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      • This little light of mine...
        reactie 17   |   niet OK

        My sweet cousin, Jason's smile and jokes always brought light to our family as children! Whether it be teasing about how we ate, that you had lice, making fun of an Amy Grant lyric, or calling you a smelly cousin from California - it always brought laughter and was said with love. From a young age, Jason's heart was compassionate and his mind open and ready to enjoy life. As a younger cousin looking on, his stories of high school clubs, taking a special girl to a dance, bold jokes about Opa, and cool cd's set you apart as one who could carry his own and not conform to what the world thought was popular. During Jason's last visit to California, he greeted and joked with all of the cousin's as if no time had passed. What a golden heart Jason held! I am so grateful to have had that time with him as an adult. If only there was a free tunnel across continents to have known you more! Jason's smile, hugs, and tender words will always be remembered.

        Monique - Corona, California
        7 juni 2024

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      • Jason and Oma
        reactie 16   |   niet OK

        Monique - Corona, California
        7 juni 2024

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